publication venue for
- Prolonged grief disorder: detection, diagnosis, and approaches to intervention.. 23. 2024
- Validation of the new DSM-5-TR criteria for prolonged grief disorder and the PG-13-Revised (PG-13-R) scale.. 20. 2021
- Toward a personalized approach to psychotherapy outcome and the study of therapeutic change.. 18. 2019
- "Prolonged grief disorder" and "persistent complex bereavement disorder", but not "complicated grief", are one and the same diagnostic entity: an analysis of data from the Yale Bereavement Study.. 15. 2016
- Disorders related to sexuality and gender identity in the ICD-11: revising the ICD-10 classification based on current scientific evidence, best clinical practices, and human rights considerations.. 15. 2016
- Research advances in geriatric depression.. 8. 2009
- Salient components of a comprehensive service for eating disorders.. 8. 2009
- The silver lining of recent effectiveness trials.. 8. 2009
- Body dysmorphic disorder: recognizing and treating imagined ugliness.. 3. 2004
- Evidence of the clinical utility of a prolonged grief disorder diagnosis.. 17. 2018
- CopeNYP: a brief remote psychological intervention reduces health care workers' depression and anxiety symptoms during COVID-19 pandemic. 2022
- Schizotypy, schizotypic psychopathology and schizophrenia.. 17. 2018