publication venue for
- Correlates of self-perceptions of aging in dementia caregivers: findings from the German Aging Survey. 2025
- 'With or without you': associations between noteworthy events and cognitive complaints across 100 days. 2024
- The relationship of caregiver self-efficacy to caregiver outcomes: a correlation and mediation analysis. 2022
- Prevalence of lifetime nonmedical opioid use among U.S. Health Center Patients aged 45 years and older with psychiatric disorders.. 26. 2020
- Cognitive reappraisal and the association between depressive symptoms and perceived social support among older adults.. 25. 2019
- Recalling support provision decreases distress and anger in response to partner suffering.. 22. 2017
- The role of compassion, suffering, and intrusive thoughts in dementia caregiver depression.. 21. 2016
- Concerns about aging and caregiving among middle-aged and older lesbian and gay adults.. 20. 2015
- Attachment-focused integrative reminiscence with older African Americans: a randomized controlled intervention study.. 20. 2015
- Stress, race, and APOE: understanding the interplay of risk factors for changes in cognitive functioning.. 18. 2014
- A longitudinal study of differences in late- and early-onset geriatric depression: depressive symptoms and psychosocial, cognitive, and neurological functioning.. 17. 2012
- Prognostic factors, course, and outcome of depression among older primary care patients: the PROSPECT study.. 16. 2012
- Developing capacities in aging studies in the Middle East: Implementation of an Arabic version of the CANE IV among community-dwelling older adults in Lebanon.. 15. 2011
- Incremental burden of congestive heart failure among elderly with Alzheimer's.. 13. 2009
- Pre-intervention assessment for disruptive behavior problems: a focus on staff needs.. 6. 2002
- Family-based therapy for dementia caregivers: clinical observations.. 4. 2000
- Towards a new conceptualization of depression in older adult cancer patients: a review of the literature. 2015