publication venue for
- Anterior cervical osteotomy of diffuse idiopathic skeletal hyperostosis lesions with computer-assisted navigation surgery: A case report. 2024
- Catastrophic complications of PVL-MRSA necrotizing pneumonia presenting as respiratory failure and rhabdomyolysis, case report and review of the literature. 2023
- Left main and two vessels calcified coronary aneurysms presented as out of hospital cardiac arrest in young patient. 2022
- Underrecognized pathogen; Staphylococcus warneri-associated native mitral valve endocarditis in an immunocompetent host: A case report and literature review. 2022
- Intralesional bleomycin for treatment of a recalcitrant wart in an immunocompromised patient: A safe, effective, and underutilized therapy. 2022
- Maturity-onset diabetes of the young (MODY) due to PDX1 mutation in a sib-pair diabetes family from Qatar. 2021
- Eslicarbazepine-induced severe hyponatremia resulted in generalized tonic-clonic seizure. 2021
- Prolonged ventricular pause associated with ticagrelor use: A case report. 2021
- Intraventricular metastatic melanoma: A case report and review of the literature. 2020
- Doxorubicin-associated takotsubo cardiomyopathy in a patient with adult T-cell leukemia/lymphoma. 2019
- Cauda equina syndrome in an ovarian malignant-mixed müllerian tumor with leptomeningeal spread. 2019
- Detection of unrecognized pregnancy prior to a fluoroscopy-guided interventional procedure: A case report. 2019
- Advanced-stage hepatocellular carcinoma presenting without radiographic liver lesions. 2018
- Measles hepatitis in a vaccinated liver transplant recipient: case report and review of literature. 2017
- Adenoid cystic carcinoma of submandibular gland metastatic to great toes: case report and literature review. 2016
- Thigh compartment syndrome complicated by sciatic nerve palsy, rhabdomyolysis, and acute renal failure. 2015
- Cutaneous lymphocyte antigen expression loss and PD1 positivity in early cutaneous lesions of rapidly progressive mycosis fungoides. 2014
- Prolonged survival in metastatic colorectal cancer following chemotherapy. 2014
- An unusual case of solid appendicular mass in a young female.. 3. 2015
- Behcet's disease presenting with recurrent ocular, oral, and scrotal inflammatory lesions in a young Tanzanian man: a case report.. 2. 2014