publication venue for
- Ultrasmall Downconverting Nanoparticle for Enhanced Cerenkov Imaging.. 21. 2021
- Nanoreporter of an Enzymatic Suicide Inactivation Pathway.. 20. 2020
- Nanoscopic Visualization of Restricted Nonvolume Cholinergic and Monoaminergic Transmission with Genetically Encoded Sensors.. 20. 2020
- The Pentagonal Nature of Self-Assembled Silicon Chains and Magic Clusters on Ag(110).. 18. 2018
- High-Speed Atomic Force Microscopy Reveals the Inner Workings of the MinDE Protein Oscillator.. 18. 2017
- Targetable Clinical Nanoparticles for Precision Cancer Therapy Based on Disease-Specific Molecular Inflection Points.. 17. 2017
- Nanodiamond-Gadolinium(III) Aggregates for Tracking Cancer Growth In Vivo at High Field.. 16. 2016
- The Effect of Cage Shape on Nanoparticle-Based Drug Carriers: Anticancer Drug Release and Efficacy via Receptor Blockade Using Dextran-Coated Iron Oxide Nanocages.. 16. 2016
- Biocompatible and High Stiffness Nanophotonic Trap Array for Precise and Versatile Manipulation.. 16. 2016
- Stable Radiolabeling of Sulfur-Functionalized Silica Nanoparticles with Copper-64.. 16. 2016
- Poly(glycoamidoamine) Brushes Formulated Nanomaterials for Systemic siRNA and mRNA Delivery in Vivo.. 16. 2016
- Multifunctional MRI/PET Nanobeacons Derived from the in Situ Self-Assembly of Translational Polymers and Clinical Cargo through Coalescent Intermolecular Forces.. 15. 2015
- Mesoscale nanoparticles selectively target the renal proximal tubule epithelium.. 15. 2015
- Silica nanoparticles as substrates for chelator-free labeling of oxophilic radioisotopes.. 15. 2015
- DNA Y structure: a versatile, multidimensional single molecule assay.. 14. 2014
- Single-molecule-based super-resolution images in the presence of multiple fluorophores.. 11. 2011
- Two-photon 3D FIONA of individual quantum dots in an aqueous environment.. 11. 2011
- Mechanical mapping of single membrane proteins at submolecular resolution.. 11. 2011
- Hydrazone ligation strategy to assemble multifunctional viral nanoparticles for cell imaging and tumor targeting.. 10. 2010
- Nanoscale, electrified liquid jets for high-resolution printing of charge.. 10. 2010
- Alignment controlled growth of single-walled carbon nanotubes on quartz substrates.. 9. 2009
- High-frequency performance of submicrometer transistors that use aligned arrays of single-walled carbon nanotubes.. 9. 2009
- Fluorescent silica nanoparticles with efficient urinary excretion for nanomedicine.. 9. 2009
- Synthesis and biodistribution of oligonucleotide-functionalized, tumor-targetable carbon nanotubes.. 8. 2008
- Probing peptide nanotube self-assembly at a liquid-liquid interface with coarse-grained molecular dynamics.. 8. 2008
- Visualization of individual single-walled carbon nanotubes by fluorescent polymer wrapping.. 5. 2005
- Semi-artificial Fluorescent Molecular Machine for DNA Damage Detection.. 4. 2004