publication venue for
- Enriched motor neuron populations derived from bacterial artificial chromosome-transgenic human embryonic stem cells.. 56. 2009
- The endoscopic endonasal transsphenoidal approach to the suprasellar cistern.. 54. 2007
- Human embryonic stem cells: hype or hope?. 52. 2005
- Foundations of neurological surgery: the state of the journal and documentation of surgical methods.. 51. 2004
- Honored guest presentation: surgery of the human cerebrum: a collective modernity.. 49. 2002
- Honored guest presentation: the legacy of Galen of Pergamon. The neurosurgeon in the arena of sport.. 49. 2002
- Localizing the point: evolving principles of surgical navigation.. 46. 2000
- Surgery of intracranial tumors: aspects of operating room design with integration and use of technical adjuvants.. 35. 1989
- Ionizing and nonionizing radiation treatment of malignant cerebral gliomas: specialized approaches.. 31. 1983
- Observations in the study of T-lymphocyte subsets by monoclonal antibodies and flow cytometric analysis in intracranial neoplastic disorders.. 30. 1983
- Experimental brain tumor chemotherapy: DNA damage in the rat gliosarcoma 9L treated with CCNU.. 24. 1977
- Special lecture: glial reactivity after damage: implications for scar formation and neuronal recovery. 2005
- Discovering the novel surgical approach. 2003
- Surgical drug delivery for neurodegenerative diseases. 2001
- Arteriovenous malformations: indications for stereotactic radiosurgery. 2000
- Present and future technical developments on aneurysm embolization. Impact on indications and anatomic results. 2000
- Acoustic tumors: operation versus radiation--making sense of opposing viewpoints. Part I. Acoustic neuroma: decision making with all the tools. 2003
- Honored guest presentation: neurorestoration and the emergence of molecular and cellular neurosurgery. 2002
- Honored guest presentation: quid novi? In the realm of ideas--the neurosurgical dialectic. 2002
- Neurosurgery, molecular medicine, and the Pandora-Panacea continuum: future implications for glioma therapy? 1992
- Surgery of masses affecting the third ventricular chamber: techniques and strategies. 1988