publication venue for
- Intrathoracic Sleeve Migrations After Sleeve Gastrectomy: A Compilation of Case Reports. 2020
- Surgical Considerations for an Awake Tracheotomy During the COVID-19 Pandemic. 2020
- Laparoscopic splenectomy for massive splenomegaly: technical aspects of initial ligation of splenic artery and extraction without hand-assisted technique. 2008
- Quality of Life Following Robotic Transaxillary Versus Conventional Hemithyroidectomy: A Comparative Analysis.. 33. 2022
- Managing Stricturing Crohn's Disease: Resect? Strictureplasty? Dilate?. 31. 2021
- Rectal Prolapse Repair with Abdominal Fixation Under Sedation and Local or Epidural Anesthesia: Prospective Pilot Study in 10 Elderly Subjects.. 31. 2020
- Preoperative Factors Associated with Appendiceal Tumors in Nonelective Appendectomy.. 30. 2020
- International Multi-institutional Experience with the Transoral Endoscopic Thyroidectomy Vestibular Approach.. 30. 2020
- A Quest for Optimization of Postoperative Triage After Major Surgery.. 29. 2018
- Robotic Right Colectomy for Colon Cancer: Comparison of Outcomes from a Single Institution with the ACS-NSQIP Database.. 29. 2018
- Right Colon Resection for Colon Cancer: Does Surgical Approach Matter?. 28. 2018
- Single Session of Robotic Human Cadaver Training: The Immediate Impact on Urology Residents in a Teaching Hospital.. 28. 2018
- Robotic Thymectomy: Learning Curve and Associated Perioperative Outcomes.. 27. 2017
- Video-Assisted Thoracoscopic Lobectomy Is the Preferred Approach Following Induction Chemotherapy.. 27. 2016
- Identification of the Lymphatic Drainage Pattern of Esophageal Cancer with Near-Infrared Fluorescent Imaging.. 27. 2016
- Robotic Versus Thoracoscopic Resection for Lung Cancer: Early Results of a New Robotic Program.. 26. 2016
- Systematic Video Documentation in Laparoscopic Colon Surgery Using a Checklist: A Feasibility and Compliance Pilot Study.. 25. 2015
- Thoracoscopic segmentectomy for congenital and acquired pulmonary disease: a case for lung-sparing surgery.. 24. 2013
- Evaluation of the safety, efficacy, and versatility of a new surgical energy device (THUNDERBEAT) in comparison with Harmonic ACE, LigaSure V, and EnSeal devices in a porcine model.. 22. 2012
- Subcutaneous endoscopic fasciotomy in a porcine model of abdominal compartment syndrome: a feasibility study.. 14. 2004
- Minimally invasive surgery for esophageal achalasia.. 11. 2001
- Laparoscopic aortorenal bypass using a PTFE graft: survival study in the porcine model.. 11. 2001
- Mini-laparoscopic cholecystectomy: validating a new approach.. 9. 1999
- The application of minimal access procedures in infants, children, and young adults with pediatric malignancies.. 7. 1997
- Surgical infections and prophylactic antibiotics: 341 consecutive cases of gallbladder surgery in the era of laparoscopic surgery.. 7. 1997
- Commentary on "transumbilical single-incision laparoscopic fundoplication: a new technique for liver retraction using cyanoacrylate".. 23. 2013
- Editorial comment on minilaparoscopic cholecystectomy.. 9. 1999
- Why mini-laparoscopic cholecystectomy?. 9. 1999
- Regarding: Small bowel obstruction and incisional hernia after laparoscopic surgery: should 5-mm trocar sites be sutured? 2000
- Renal Arterial Pseudoaneurysm After Partial Nephrectomy: Literature Review and Single-Center Analysis of Predictive Factors and Renal Functional Outcomes. 2018
- Single Versus Multi-Incisional Video-Assisted Thoracic Surgery: A Systematic Review and Meta-analysis. 2017