publication venue for
- Chronic pancreatitis with synchronous and metachronous malignancy: three unusual cases and a literature review. 2007
- Impact of Subsequent Fellowship on Urology Chief Resident Case Log Volumes.. 82. 2025
- Predictors of Ophthalmology Resident Performance From Medical Student Application Materials. 2023
- An Original Study: Is There an Optimal Time to Complete Dedicated Research During Surgical Residency? Twelve Years of Research Experience After PGY2 or PGY3. 2023
- "Sip & Share": Building Resilience in Surgery Residency Through Moral Distress Rounds.. 80. 2022
- Navigating the Ophthalmology & Urology Match with a Significant Other. 2022
- Residency Program Diversity Recruitment and Education: Survey of Efforts and Barriers to Implementation. 2021
- Interns Without Subinternships. 2021
- Training the Next Generation of Obstetrics and Gynecology Leaders, A Multi-Institutional Needs Assessment. 2021
- Outcomes in Laparoscopic Roux-en-Y Gastric Bypass and Implications for Surgical Resident Education.. 78. 2021
- Changes in Medical Student Perceptions of Surgery Are Sustainable Through Focused Preclinical Surgical Exposure.. 78. 2021
- Female Residents Give Themselves Lower Scores Than Male Colleagues and Faculty Evaluators on ACGME Milestones.. 78. 2020
- Impact of Language Discordance on Surgical Resident Workflow.. 78. 2020
- Driving Safety Among Surgical Residents in the Era of Duty Hour Restrictions.. 78. 2020
- Implementation and Initial Construct Validity Evidence of a Tool, myTIPreport, for Interactive Workplace Feedback on ACGME Milestones.. 77. 2020
- Surgical Games: A Simulation-Based Structured Assessment of Orthopedic Surgery Resident Technical Skill.. 77. 2020
- General Surgery Residents' Perception of Feedback: We Can Do Better.. 77. 2020
- Ultrasound Training for Head and Neck Surgeons in Rural Kenya: A Feasibility Study.. 77. 2020
- Entrustable Professional Activities: Do General Surgery Residents Trust Them?. 77. 2020
- Application of Advanced Bioinformatics to Understand and Predict Burnout Among Surgical Trainees.. 77. 2019
- Communication Skills Training for General Surgery Residents.. 76. 2019
- The PreOp Program: Intensive Preclinical Surgical Exposure is Associated With Increased Medical Student Surgical Interest and Competency.. 76. 2019
- Is Grit the New Fit?-Assessing Non-Cognitive Variables in Orthopedic Surgery Trainees.. 76. 2019
- Obstacles Affecting the Implementation of the O-SCORE for Assessment of Orthopedic Surgical Skills Competency.. 76. 2019
- Training Effects of Visual Stroboscopic Impairment on Surgical Performance: A Randomized-Controlled Trial.. 76. 2018
- Characterization and Perceptions of Surgical Clinician Educators: An International Survey.. 75. 2018
- Resident Vitality in 34 Programs at 14 Academic Health Systems: Insights for Educating Physicians and Surgeons for the Future.. 75. 2018
- Wrist Arthroscopy: Can We Gain Proficiency Through Knee Arthroscopy Simulation?. 75. 2018
- Communication Skills Training for Surgical Residents: Learning to Relate to the Needs of Older Adults.. 75. 2018
- Comparative Assessment of Grit, Conscientiousness, and Self-Control in Applicants Interviewing for Residency Positions and Current Orthopaedic Surgery Residents.. 75. 2017
- Using GoPro to Give Video-Assisted Operative Feedback for Surgery Residents: A Feasibility and Utility Assessment.. 75. 2017
- Residents and Program Director Perspectives Often Differ on Optimal Preparation Strategies and the Value of the Orthopedic In-Training Examination.. 75. 2017
- Resident Involvement in Microsurgery: An American College of Surgeons National Surgical Quality Improvement Program Analysis.. 74. 2017
- Orthopedic In-Training Examination: A Performance Review Based on Program- and Resident-Specific Characteristics.. 74. 2017
- A Checklist Intervention to Assess Resident Diagnostic Knee and Shoulder Arthroscopic Efficiency.. 74. 2016
- Can Future Academic Surgeons be Identified in the Residency Ranking Process?. 73. 2016
- Global health training in ophthalmology residency programs.. 72. 2015
- Research productivity and gender disparities: a look at academic plastic surgery.. 71. 2014
- International surgical residency electives: a collaborative effort from trainees to surgeons working in low- and middle-income countries.. 71. 2014
- The Bioskills Education Laboratory at Hospital for Special Surgery.. 71. 2014
- Orthopedic resident work-shift analysis: are we making the best use of resident work hours?. 71. 2013
- Academic differences among male and female candidates applying for obstetrics and gynecology residency: the experience of one program.. 70. 2013
- Performance improvement: getting an early start.. 69. 2012
- Teaching emergency and essential surgical care in Sierra Leone: a model for low income countries.. 68. 2011
- A deficiency in knowledge of basic principles of laparoscopy among attendees of an advanced laparoscopic surgery course.. 68. 2010
- Improving access to surgery in a developing country: experience from a surgical collaboration in Sierra Leone.. 67. 2010
- Global surgery: thoughts on an emerging surgical subspecialty for students and residents.. 67. 2010
- How important are American Board of Surgery In-Training Examination scores when applying for fellowships?. 67. 2010
- The effect of a focused instructional session on knowledge of surgical staplers in general surgery residents.. 66. 2009
- Scholarly activity.. 66. 2009
- Student perceptions of medical errors: incorporating an explicit professionalism curriculum in the third-year surgery clerkship.. 65. 2008
- Teaching the Limitations of Large Language Models in Medical School. 2024
- Surgical elective in a developing country: ethics and utility.. 66. 2009
- Do General Surgery Residency Program Websites Feature Diversity? 2020