publication venue for
- Survey of Urogynecology Fellows on the Care of Patients with Differences in Sex Development/Intersex Traits. 2025
- Is Preoperative Type and Screen High-value Care? A Cost-effectiveness Analysis of Performing Preoperative Type and Screen Prior to Urogynecological Surgery. 2024
- Believing women: a qualitative exploration of provider disbelief and pain dismissal among women with interstitial cystitis/bladder pain syndrome from the MAPP research network. 2023
- A novel sacral neuromodulation protocol is associated with reduction in removal for device infection. 2023
- No pelvic exam, no problem: patient satisfaction following the integration of comprehensive urogynecology telemedicine. 2022
- Improvement in dyspareunia after vaginal mesh removal measured by a validated questionnaire.. 32. 2021
- The role of the genital hiatus and prolapse symptom bother.. 32. 2020
- Female pelvic medicine & reconstructive surgery (FPMRS) challenges on behalf of the collaborative research in pelvic surgery consortium (CoRPS): managing complicated cases series 7: can fibroids worsen incontinence?. 32. 2020
- Variation in bony landmarks and predictors of success with sacral neuromodulation.. 30. 2019
- Role of concurrent vaginal hysterectomy in the outcomes of mesh-based vaginal pelvic organ prolapse surgery.. 28. 2017
- Trends in internet search activity, media coverage, and patient-centered health information after the FDA safety communications on surgical mesh for pelvic organ prolapse.. 27. 2016
- Functional mapping of the pelvic floor and sphincter muscles from high-density surface EMG recordings.. 27. 2016
- MRI suggests increased tonicity of the levator ani in women with interstitial cystitis/bladder pain syndrome.. 27. 2015
- Assessment of urethral support using MRI-derived computational modeling of the female pelvis.. 27. 2015
- Urological chronic pelvic pain syndrome flares and their impact: qualitative analysis in the MAPP network.. 26. 2015
- Risk factors for lower urinary tract injury at the time of hysterectomy for benign reasons.. 25. 2014
- The effect of uterine fibroid embolization on lower urinary tract symptoms.. 24. 2012
- Increased morbidity in combined abdominal sacrocolpopexy and abdominoplasty procedures.. 24. 2012
- Utility of preoperative endometrial assessment in asymptomatic women undergoing hysterectomy for pelvic floor dysfunction.. 23. 2012
- Utility of preoperative examination and magnetic resonance imaging for diagnosis of anterior vaginal wall masses.. 23. 2012
- Treatment choice, duration, and cost in patients with interstitial cystitis and painful bladder syndrome.. 22. 2010