publication venue for
- Seizure Occurrences: Patient Report, Scalp EEG, and RNS Electrocorticography Findings. 2020
- Intraoperative Monitoring of Scoliosis Surgery in Young Patients.. 41. 2024
- Response to Letters to the Editor by Gregory J, Rice K, McCarthy K, et al. 2023 Regarding: "Guidelines for Qualifications of Neurodiagnostic Personnel: A Joint Position Statement of the American Clinical Neurophysiology Society, the American Association of Neuromuscular & Electrodiagnostic Medicine, the American Society of Neurophysiological Monitoring, and ASET-The Neurodiagnostic Society".. 41. 2024
- The Electrographic Effects of Ketamine on Patients With Refractory Status Epilepticus After Cardiac Arrest: A Single-Center Retrospective Cohort. 2024
- EEG Pattern With Spectral Analysis Can Prognosticate Good and Poor Neurologic Outcomes After Cardiac Arrest. 2022
- The Sensitivity of Scalp EEG at Detecting Seizures-A Simultaneous Scalp and Stereo EEG Study.. 39. 2022
- COVID-19 Continuous-EEG Case Series: A Descriptive Study. 2021
- Prognostic Significance of Cyclic Seizures in Status Epilepticus. 2020
- Spectral Content of Electroencephalographic Burst-Suppression Patterns May Reflect Neuronal Recovery in Comatose Post-Cardiac Arrest Patients.. 36. 2019
- ACNS Guideline: Transcranial Electrical Stimulation Motor Evoked Potential Monitoring.. 33. 2016
- An audit of continuous EEG monitoring in the neurological-neurosurgical intensive care unit.. 31. 2014
- Spectrum of nonconvulsive status epilepticus in patients with cancer.. 30. 2013
- Electrophysiological features of taxane-induced polyneuropathy in patients with breast cancer.. 30. 2013
- Outcome from therapeutic hypothermia and EEG.. 28. 2011
- Microphysiology of epileptiform activity in human neocortex.. 25. 2008
- Determination of subthalamic nucleus location by quantitative analysis of despiked background neural activity from microelectrode recordings obtained during deep brain stimulation surgery.. 25. 2008
- Chiari I malformation: potential role for intraoperative electrophysiologic monitoring.. 20. 2003
- Traumatic brain injury assessed with olfactory event-related brain potentials.. 16. 1999
- Generator sources of median somatosensory evoked potentials.. 1. 1984
- EEG in syncope: useful or not?. 29. 2012
- Role of intraoperative monitoring in pedicle screw placement-useful or not? 2014
- Typical versus atypical triphasic morphology waveforms. 2013
- EEG in sleep apnea: useful or not? 2013
- ICU EEG terminology: do we all speak the same language? 2013
- Intraoperative neurophysiologic monitoring: can we be better? 2012
- Diagnostic value of a repeat video-EEG study. 2012
- Epileptiform discharges in acute subdural hematoma: to treat or not to treat. 2012
- EEG in anoxic coma. 2012
- Therapeutic hypothermia and EEG. 2012
- Physiologic pseudoseizure: misreading the EEG. 2011
- Rhythmic artifact of physiotherapy in intensive care unit EEG recordings. 2008
- Motor evoked potential monitoring--it's about time.. 19. 2002
- Intraoperative neurophysiologic monitoring in 80 patients with Chiari I malformation: role of duraplasty. 2009
- Neurophysiologic intraoperative monitoring of scoliosis surgery. 2009
- Continuous EEG monitoring in the intensive care unit: technical and staffing considerations. 2005
- Evoked potentials in clinical trials for multiple sclerosis. 1998
- Revised Process for ACNS Guidelines Development. 2025