publication venue for
- Acute myocardial infarction and cardiac arrest in a patient receiving paclitaxel. 2003
- Lipoprotein(a) and the Effect of Alirocumab on Revascularization After Acute Coronary Syndrome. 2023
- Regional Differences in Outcomes for patients undergoing Transcatheter Aortic Valve Replacement in New York State and Ontario. 2023
- Prevalence and Outcomes of Percutaneous Coronary Interventions for Ostial Chronic Total Occlusions: Insights From a Multicenter Chronic Total Occlusion Registry.. 34. 2018
- Predictors of Excess Patient Radiation Exposure During Chronic Total Occlusion Coronary Intervention: Insights From a Contemporary Multicentre Registry.. 33. 2016
- Novel Heart Failure Biomarkers Predict Improvement of Mitral Regurgitation in Patients Receiving Cardiac Resynchronization Therapy-The BIOCRT Study.. 32. 2016
- Effect of Lesion Age on Outcomes of Chronic Total Occlusion Percutaneous Coronary Intervention: Insights From a Contemporary US Multicenter Registry.. 32. 2016
- The Association Between Conversion to In-centre Nocturnal Hemodialysis and Left Ventricular Mass Regression in Patients With End-Stage Renal Disease.. 32. 2015
- A study to assess the effects of a broad-spectrum immune modulatory therapy on mortality and morbidity in patients with chronic heart failure: the ACCLAIM trial rationale and design.. 23. 2007
- Acute myocardial infarction: clinical characteristics, management and outcome in a university medical centre in a developing Middle Eastern country.. 20. 2004
- Six-month outcomes of percutaneous coronary balloon angioplasty in acute coronary syndromes: Results from the PURSUIT trial.. 20. 2004
- Diagnostic cardiac catheterization and revascularization rates for coronary heart disease.. 20. 2004
- CCORT/CCS quality indicators for congestive heart failure care.. 19. 2003
- CCORT/CCS quality indicators for acute myocardial infarction care.. 19. 2003
- Higher rates of coronary angiography and revascularization following myocardial infarction may be associated with greater survival in the United States than in Canada. The CARS Investigators (Coumadin/Aspirin Reinfarction Study).. 15. 1999
- Intracellular kinetics of the activator calcium of rat heart after ischemic arrest and cardioplegia: quantitative comparison of right and left ventricles.. 8. 1992
- Mechanical restitution and post extrasystolic potentiation of perfused rat heart: quantitative comparison of normal right and left ventricular responses.. 8. 1992
- Cardiac hypertrophy in experimental hypertension: interaction of the sodium ion, blood pressure and lisinopril.. 4. 1988
- FIB-4 Predicts MACE and Cardiovascular Mortality in Patients With Nonalcoholic Fatty Liver Disease. 2022
- Identifying Frailty in Elderly Patients With Acute Coronary Syndrome. 2016
- Erysipelas and myocarditis. 2013
- Physiology of the Assisted Circulation in Cardiogenic Shock: A State-of-the-Art Perspective. 2019
- Modality Selection for the Revascularization of Left Main Disease. 2018
- Wild-Type Transthyretin Cardiac Amyloidosis: Novel Insights From Advanced Imaging. 2016
- Cardiovascular Late Effects and Exercise Treatment in Breast Cancer: Current Evidence and Future Directions. 2016
- The pivotal role of nitric oxide for vascular health. 2004
- Revascularization in Left Ventricular Systolic Dysfunction: A Meta-Analysis of Kaplan-Meier Reconstructed Individual Patient Data. 2024
- Transesophageal Echocardiography in Cardiac Arrest: the Heart and Beyond. 2023
- Safe Reintroduction of Cardiovascular Services During the COVID-19 Pandemic: From the North American Society Leadership. 2020
- Cardiac Computed Tomography Angiography for Left Atrial Appendage Closure. 2015