publication venue for
- Cardiac Biomarkers, Subclinical Brain Vascular Changes, and Cognitive Decline: Post Hoc Analysis of the SPRINT Trial. 2025
- The Cumulative Burden of Social Risk Factors and 10-Year Change in Quality of Life.. 80. 2024
- Does Incident Cardiovascular Disease Lead to Greater Odds of Functional and Cognitive Impairment? Insights From the Health and Retirement Study.. 78. 2023
- The Association of Peripheral and Central Olfaction With Frailty in Older Adults.. 78. 2023
- Medical and Social Factors Associated With Referral for Elder Abuse Services in a National Health Care System.. 77. 2022
- Racial-ethnic Disparities in Pain Intensity and Interference Among Middle-aged and Older U.S. Adults.. 77. 2022
- Lack of Association of Elder Mistreatment With Mortality. 2021
- Physical Function Following a Long-Term Lifestyle Intervention Among Middle Aged and Older Adults With Type 2 Diabetes: The Look AHEAD Study.. 73. 2018
- Incorporating Persistent Pain in Phenotypic Frailty Measurement and Prediction of Adverse Health Outcomes.. 72. 2016
- The association between filial piety and suicidal ideation: findings from a community-dwelling Chinese aging population.. 69 Suppl 2. 2014
- Physical function assessment in a community-dwelling population of U.S. Chinese older adults.. 69 Suppl 2. 2014
- A battery of tests for assessing cognitive function in U.S. Chinese older adults--findings from the PINE Study.. 69 Suppl 2. 2014
- Predictors of overnight hospital admission in older African American and Caucasian Medicare beneficiaries.. 66. 2011
- Longitudinal association between depressive symptoms and disability burden among older persons.. 64. 2009
- Circulating glycotoxins and dietary advanced glycation endproducts: two links to inflammatory response, oxidative stress, and aging.. 62. 2007
- Arthritis-specific health beliefs related to aging among older male patients with knee and/or hip osteoarthritis.. 62. 2007
- Identification of pain-reduction strategies used by community-dwelling older persons.. 60. 2005
- Regional cerebral autoregulation during orthostatic stress: age-related differences.. 60. 2005
- Back pain and decline in lower extremity physical function among community-dwelling older persons.. 60. 2005
- Inner city African-American elderly patients' perceptions and preferences for the care of chronic knee and hip pain: findings from focus groups.. 59. 2004
- Older patients' perceptions of quality of chronic knee or hip pain: differences by ethnicity and relationship to clinical variables.. 58. 2003
- Elderly hospitalized patients with diastolic heart failure: lack of gender and ethnic differences in 18-month mortality rates.. 58. 2003
- Pain-related disability among older male veterans receiving primary care.. 57. 2002
- Differential increases in average isokinetic power by specific muscle groups of older women due to variations in training and testing.. 57. 2002
- Complementary and alternative medicine (CAM) use by older adults: a comparison of self-report and physician chart documentation.. 57. 2002
- The correlation of cytokine levels with body weight after megestrol acetate treatment in geriatric patients.. 56. 2001
- Maintenance of bone density: outcomes over five years of attendance at an osteoporosis center.. 55. 2000
- An assessment of falls in elderly men and women.. 52. 1997
- Differential expression of reg-I and reg-II genes during aging in the normal mouse.. 51. 1996
- Sex-related difference in long-term mortality in elderly heart failure patients with preserved left ventricular systolic function. 2003