publication venue for
- Acute ischaemic stroke in active cancer versus non-cancer patients: stroke characteristics, mechanisms and clinical outcomes.. 31. 2024
- Association between substantia nigra degeneration and functional outcome in patients with basal ganglia infarction. 2023
- Quantitative proteomic analysis of cerebrospinal fluid from patients with idiopathic facial nerve palsy. 2022
- Association between Liver Fibrosis and Incident Dementia in the UK Biobank Study. 2022
- Corneal nerve loss is related to the severity of painful diabetic neuropathy. 2021
- Lesion features on magnetic resonance imaging discriminate multiple sclerosis patients. 2021
- Greater small nerve fibre damage in the skin and cornea of type 1 diabetic patients with painful compared to painless diabetic neuropathy.. 28. 2021
- Association between liver fibrosis and cognition in a nationally representative sample of older adults.. 27. 2020
- Persistent mucosal damage and risk of epilepsy in people with celiac disease.. 25. 2018
- Structural explanation of poor prognosis of amyotrophic lateral sclerosis in the non-demented state.. 24. 2016
- Low density lipoprotein receptor related protein 1 and 6 gene variants and ischaemic stroke risk.. 22. 2015
- Temporal lobe surgery in Germany from 1988 to 2008: diverse trends in etiological subgroups.. 21. 2013
- Vigorimeter grip strength in CIDP: a responsive tool that rapidly measures the effect of IVIG--the ICE study.. 20. 2012
- Does apolipoprotein E genotype modify the clinical expression of ALS?. 18. 2010
- ALS disease onset may occur later in patients with pre-morbid diabetes mellitus.. 17. 2010
- How are we doing with the treatment of essential tremor (ET)?: Persistence of patients with ET on medication: data from 528 patients in three settings.. 17. 2010
- Frontal-lobe mediated behavioral dysfunction in amyotrophic lateral sclerosis.. 17. 2009
- Ischaemic posterior circulation stroke in State of Qatar.. 16. 2009
- Treatment of corticosteroid refractory optic neuritis in multiple sclerosis patients with intravenous immunoglobulin.. 15. 2008
- Upper limb corticomotor projections and physiological changes that occur with botulinum toxin-A therapy in children with hemiplegic cerebral palsy.. 15. 2008
- Oral prednisone taper following intravenous steroids fails to improve disability or recovery from relapses in multiple sclerosis.. 15. 2008
- Multiple sclerosis: a study of chemokine receptors and regulatory T cells in relation to MRI variables.. 10. 2003
- Accuracy of the clinical diagnosis of postencephalitic parkinsonism: a clinicopathologic study.. 5. 1998
- Immunological and endocrinological disturbances in patients after prolonged coma following head injury.. 5. 1998
- Why is mesial temporal lobe epilepsy with Ammon's horn sclerosis becoming less common?. 22. 2015
- Acute reversible periependymal ventricular enhancement in neuromyelitis optica.. 19. 2012
- Interpretation of post-anoxic somatosensory evoked potentials--leave it to the experts! 2014
- Significance of triphasic waves in acute encephalopathy. 2014
- Postictal psychosis in temporal lobe epilepsy. 2013
- Cytomegalovirus ventriculoencephalitis presenting as a Wernicke's encephalopathy like syndrome. 2009
- Sustained-release valproate in partial epilepsy: comparison between VIPe and Gulf VIPe study findings. 2008
- Palm pilot dementia. 2006
- Genotype-phenotype relations for episodic ataxia genes: MDSGene systematic review. 2023