publication venue for
- Confirming the Causal Role of Consistent Contexts in Developing a Walking Habit: A Randomized Comparison With Varied Contexts. 2024
- Predictors and Effects of Participation in Peer Support: A Prospective Structural Equation Modeling Analysis. 2022
- Peer-delivered Cognitive Behavioral Therapy-based Intervention Reduced Depression and Stress in Community Dwelling Adults With Diabetes and Chronic Pain: A Cluster Randomized Trial. 2021
- Trajectories of Mental Distress Among U.S. Adults During the COVID-19 Pandemic.. 55. 2021
- Lung Cancer Stigma: Does Smoking History Matter?. 54. 2020
- Adverse Childhood Experiences and Symptoms of Urologic Chronic Pelvic Pain Syndrome: A Multidisciplinary Approach to the Study of Chronic Pelvic Pain Research Network Study.. 52. 2018
- Examining the Support Peer Supporters Provide Using Structural Equation Modeling: Nondirective and Directive Support in Diabetes Management.. 51. 2017
- "I don't know" My Cancer Risk: Implications for Health Behavior Engagement.. 50. 2016
- Predictors of Changes in Medication Adherence in Blacks with Hypertension: Moving Beyond Cross-Sectional Data.. 50. 2016
- Trajectories of Posttraumatic Growth and Associated Characteristics in Women with Breast Cancer.. 49. 2015
- Sources of uncertainty and their association with medical decision making: exploring mechanisms in Fanconi anemia.. 46. 2013
- Linking stable and dynamic features of positive affect to sleep.. 46. 2013
- Informed decision making about prostate cancer testing in predominantly immigrant black men: a randomized controlled trial.. 44. 2012
- The effect of patient-provider communication on medication adherence in hypertensive black patients: does race concordance matter?. 43. 2012
- Validity of the process of change for colorectal cancer screening among African Americans.. 41. 2011
- The role of spirituality in the relationship between religiosity and depression in prostate cancer patients.. 38. 2009
- Risk perceptions among participants undergoing lung cancer screening: baseline results from the National Lung Screening Trial.. 37. 2009
- A randomized trial of generic versus tailored interventions to increase colorectal cancer screening among intermediate risk siblings.. 37. 2009
- Cancer-specific self-efficacy and psychosocial and functional adaptation to early stage breast cancer.. 31. 2006
- A randomized pilot study of cognitive-behavioral therapy versus basic health education for smoking cessation among cancer patients.. 30. 2005
- A longitudinal study of exercise barriers in colorectal cancer survivors participating in a randomized controlled trial.. 29. 2005
- Strategies for retaining study participants in behavioral intervention trials: retention experiences of the NIH Behavior Change Consortium.. 29 Suppl. 2005
- Effects of an oncologist's recommendation to exercise on self-reported exercise behavior in newly diagnosed breast cancer survivors: a single-blind, randomized controlled trial.. 28. 2004
- Mothers' perceptions of benefit following pediatric stem cell transplantation: a longitudinal investigation of the roles of optimism, medical risk, and sociodemographic resources.. 28. 2004
- Self-rated quality of life measures: effect of change to a low-fat, high-fiber, fruit and vegetable enriched diet.. 23. 2001
- Predictors of intrusive thoughts and avoidance in women with family histories of breast cancer.. 19. 1997
- Contributions of the life course perspective to research on food decision making. 2009
- Decision making in cancer primary prevention and chemoprevention. 2006