publication venue for
- Probing Nonequilibrium Dynamics of Photoexcited Polarons on a Metal-Oxide Surface with Atomic Precision.. 124. 2020
- Superfluid and Supersolid Phases of ^{4}He on the Second Layer of Graphite.. 124. 2020
- Observation of an excited Bc(±) meson state with the ATLAS detector.. 113. 2014
- Search for scalar diphoton resonances in the mass range 65-600 GeV with the ATLAS detector in pp collision data at √s=8 TeV.. 113. 2014
- Measurements of four-lepton production at the Z resonance in pp collisions at sqrt[s] = 7 and 8 TeV with ATLAS.. 112. 2014
- Atomic monolayer deposition on the surface of nanotube mechanical resonators.. 112. 2014
- Underwound DNA under tension: structure, elasticity, and sequence-dependent behaviors.. 107. 2011
- Classical Möbius-ring resonators exhibit fermion-boson rotational symmetry.. 101. 2008
- Interactions of multiple strain pathogen diseases in the presence of coinfection, cross immunity, and arbitrary strain diversity.. 100. 2008
- Abrupt buckling transition observed during the plectoneme formation of individual DNA molecules.. 100. 2008
- Mechanochemical kinetics of transcription elongation.. 98. 2007
- Drop deformation in microconfined shear flow.. 97. 2006
- Statistical mechanical derivation of Jarzynski's identity for thermostated non-Hamiltonian dynamics.. 96. 2006
- Control of electrical alternans in canine cardiac purkinje fibers.. 96. 2006
- Phase synchronization from noisy univariate signals.. 93. 2004
- Optical torque wrench: angular trapping, rotation, and torque detection of quartz microparticles.. 92. 2004
- Equilibrium free energies from nonequilibrium measurements using maximum-likelihood methods.. 91. 2003
- Dynamic force spectroscopy of protein-DNA interactions by unzipping DNA.. 91. 2003
- Antispiral waves in reaction-diffusion systems.. 90. 2003
- Dynamic long-term anticipation of chaotic states.. 87. 2001
- Controlling nonchaotic neuronal noise using chaos control techniques.. 75. 1995