publication venue for
- The role of admission electrocardiogram in predicting outcome in patients hospitalized for COVID-19.. 75. 2022
- Absence of electrocardiographic left ventricular hypertrophy in patients undergoing Transcatheter aortic valve replacement is associated with increased mortality.. 63. 2020
- Electrocardiographic myocardial injury and stroke mortality in the general population.. 60. 2020
- Prevalence of early repolarization pattern in patients with lone atrial fibrillation.. 50. 2017
- In memoriam: A tribute to the work and lives of Ron Selvester and Rory Childers.. 48. 2015
- Atrial fibrillation in patients admitted to coronary care units in western Sweden - focus on obesity and lipotoxicity.. 48. 2014
- Novel approach to documenting expert ECG interpretation using eye tracking technology: a historical and biographical representation of the late Dr Rory Childers in action.. 48. 2014
- Assessing computerized eye tracking technology for gaining insight into expert interpretation of the 12-lead electrocardiogram: an objective quantitative approach.. 47. 2014
- The Cardiac Safety Research Consortium ECG database.. 45. 2012
- Usefulness of electrocardiographic parameters as compared with computed tomography measures of left atrial volume enlargement: from the ROMICAT trial.. 44. 2010
- Serial evaluation of electrocardiographic left ventricular hypertrophy for prediction of risk in hypertensive patients.. 42. 2009
- Standardizing electrocardiographic leads: introduction to a symposium.. 41. 2008
- Diagnostic performance of a computer-based ECG rhythm algorithm.. 38. 2005
- Improved electrocardiographic detection of left ventricular hypertrophy.. 35 Suppl. 2002
- The centennial of the Einthoven electrocardiogram.. 35 Suppl. 2002
- Variability of precordial electrode placement during routine electrocardiography.. 29. 1996
- ECG identification of left ventricular hypertrophy. Relationship of test performance to body habitus.. 29 Suppl. 1996
- Increased defibrillation threshold due to ventricular fibrillation duration. Potential mechanisms.. 28 Suppl. 1995
- QTc behavior during treadmill exercise as a function of the underlying QT-heart rate relationship.. 28 Suppl. 1995
- Combined time-domain and spectral turbulence analysis of the signal-averaged ECG improves its predictive accuracy in postinfarction patients.. 27 Suppl. 1994
- Time-domain and frequency-domain analyses of the signal-averaged ECG in patients with ventricular tachycardia and ischemic versus nonischemic dilated cardiomyopathy.. 27 Suppl. 1994
- Nonlinear predictive interpolation. A new method for the correction of ectopic beats for heart rate variability analysis.. 26 Suppl. 1993
- High-frequency analysis of the signal-averaged ECG. Correlation with left ventricular mass in rabbits.. 25. 1992
- Effect of measurement interval on performance of the ST integral for the identification of three-vessel coronary disease.. 25 Suppl. 1992
- Effect of precision of ST-segment measurement on identification and quantification of coronary artery disease by the ST/HR index.. 24 Suppl. 1992
- Fractal clustering of ventricular ectopy and sudden death in mitral regurgitation.. 25 Suppl. 1992
- Fractal rhythms of the heart.. 24 Suppl. 1992
- Prognostic value of heart rate variability measures in patients with chronic, nonischemic mitral regurgitation.. 25 Suppl. 1992
- Application of fractal geometry to the analysis of ventricular premature contractions.. 23 Suppl. 1990
- Effect of exercise protocol and lead selection on the accuracy of heart rate-adjusted indices of ST-segment depression for detection of three-vessel coronary artery disease.. 22. 1989
- Computer-based ST/HR slope calculation on Marquette CASE 12: development and technical considerations.. 21 Suppl. 1988
- Relation of the exercise ST/HR slope to simple heart rate adjustment of ST segment depression.. 20 Suppl. 1987
- A modified treadmill exercise protocol for computer-assisted analysis of the ST segment/heart rate slope: methods and reproducibility.. 19. 1986
- Electrocardiographic tall R waves in the right precordial leads: vectorcardiographic and electrocardiographic distinction of posterior myocardial infarction from prominent anterior forces in normal subjects.. 17. 1984
- Pericardial effusion: relation of clinical echocardiographic and electrocardiographic findings.. 17. 1984
- Electrocardiographic recognition of left atrial enlargement.. 16. 1983
- Dose-related effects of manganese on the canine electrocardiogram.. 15. 1982
- Repolarization abnormalities of left ventricular hypertrophy. Clinical, echocardiographic and hemodynamic correlates.. 15. 1982
- Electrocardiographic poor R wave progression III. The normal variant.. 13. 1980
- Electrocardiographic poor R wave progression. I: correlation with the Frank vectorcardiogram.. 12. 1979
- Electrocardiographic poor R wave progression. II: correlation with angiography.. 12. 1979
- Electrocardiographic studies in the stumptail macaque (Macaca arctoides).. 8. 1975
- How many leads are in the 12-lead electrocardiogram, and what does that mean for the diagnosis of acute ST-elevation myocardial infarction?. 40. 2007
- Rethinking page charges.. 38. 2005
- The significance of upright T wave in lead V1 in predicting myocardial ischemia A literature review. 2021
- Regression of electrocardiographic left ventricular hypertrophy or strain is associated with lower incidence of cardiovascular morbidity and mortality in hypertensive patients independent of blood pressure reduction - A LIFE review. 2014