publication venue for
- Use of a single global assessment to reduce missing data in a clinical trial with follow-up at one year.. 24. 2003
- An optimal two-stage phase II design utilizing complete and partial response information separately.. 23. 2002
- The phase II/III transition. Toward the proof of efficacy in cancer clinical trials.. 21. 2000
- Design and baseline characteristics for the aminoguanidine Clinical Trial in Overt Type 2 Diabetic Nephropathy (ACTION II).. 20. 1999
- Do certain countries produce only positive results? A systematic review of controlled trials.. 19. 1998
- The Lipoprotein and Coronary Atherosclerosis Study (LCAS): design, methods, and baseline data of a trial of fluvastatin in patients without severe hypercholesterolemia.. 17. 1996
- Suspended judgment. Significance tests of covariate imbalance in clinical trials.. 11. 1990
- Suspended judgment. Ethics, evidence, and uncertainty.. 11. 1990
- Philosophers assess randomized clinical trials: the need for dialogue.. 10. 1989
- The impact of treatment allocation procedures on nominal significance levels and bias.. 8. 1987
- Assessing patient comprehension of informed consent forms. 2004