publication venue for
- Examining Gender Representation in US News and World Report Top 25 Urology Departments: Female Faculty Hold Lower Professorial Levels and Publication Rates Than Male Counterparts. 2024
- Sacral neuromodulation in nursing home residents: Predictors of success and complications in a national cohort of older adults. 2024
- Validation of a simple body map to measure widespread pain in urologic chronic pelvic pain syndrome: A MAPP research network study. 2024
- Ecological momentary assessment of pelvic pain and urinary urgency variability in urologic chronic pelvic pain syndrome and their association with illness impact and quality of life: Findings from the multidisciplinary approach to the study of chronic pelvic pain symptom patterns study. 2024
- US patterns of care for urodynamic evaluation for BPH. 2023
- Flares and their impact among male urologic chronic pelvic pain syndrome patients: An in-depth qualitative analysis in the Multidisciplinary Approach to the Study of Chronic Pelvic Pain (MAPP) Research Network. 2022
- Patient Frustration with Pelvic Organ Prolapse Education Met with Resilient Response.. 41. 2021
- Comparison of deep phenotyping features of UCPPS with and without Hunner lesion: A MAPP-II Research Network Study.. 40. 2021
- Evaluating the primary use, strengths and weaknesses of pelvic floor muscle training devices available online.. 40. 2020
- Treatment of urethral stricture disease in women: A multi-institutional collaborative project from the SUFU research network.. 39. 2020
- Ceftriaxone inhibits stress-induced bladder hyperalgesia and alters cerebral micturition and nociceptive circuits in the rat: A multidisciplinary approach to the study of urologic chronic pelvic pain syndrome research network study.. 39. 2020
- The Multidisciplinary Approach to The Study of Chronic Pelvic Pain (MAPP) Research Network*: Design and implementation of the Symptom Patterns Study (SPS).. 39. 2020
- Voluntary exercise improves voiding function and bladder hyperalgesia in an animal model of stress-induced visceral hypersensitivity: A multidisciplinary approach to the study of urologic chronic pelvic pain syndrome research network study.. 39. 2020
- Motor cortical neuromodulation of pelvic floor muscle tone: Potential implications for the treatment of urologic conditions.. 38. 2019
- Efficacy and safety of artificial urinary sphincter (AUS): Results of a large multi-institutional cohort of patients with mid-term follow-up.. 38. 2018
- Stress-induced autonomic dysregulation of mitochondrial function in the rat urothelium.. 38. 2018
- Spinal cord stimulation ameliorates detrusor over-activity and visceromotor pain responses in rats with cystitis.. 38. 2018
- Utility of catheterized specimens in reducing overdiagnosis of urinary tract infections in women.. 37. 2018
- The role of C-fibers in the development of chronic psychological stress induced enhanced bladder sensations and nociceptive responses: A multidisciplinary approach to the study of urologic chronic pelvic pain syndrome (MAPP) research network study.. 37. 2017
- Trends in surgical management and pre-operative urodynamics in female medicare beneficiaries with mixed incontinence.. 36. 2015
- National study of utilization of male incontinence procedures.. 35. 2014
- Long term safety of sacral nerve modulation in medicare beneficiaries.. 34. 2014
- Image-based simulation of urethral distensibility and flow resistance as a function of pelvic floor anatomy.. 34. 2014
- Functional brain interactions during reflexive micturition are absent from spinal cord injured rats with neurogenic bladder.. 34. 2014
- A cost-effectiveness analysis of retropubic midurethral sling versus transobturator midurethral sling for female stress urinary incontinence.. 33. 2013
- Women's experience with severe overactive bladder symptoms and treatment: insight revealed from patient focus groups.. 30. 2011
- Central inhibitory effect of intravesically applied botulinum toxin A in chronic spinal cord injury.. 30. 2011
- Construct validity of a questionnaire to measure the type of fluid intake and type of urinary incontinence.. 30. 2011
- Is pelvic pain associated with defecatory symptoms in women with pelvic organ prolapse?. 30. 2011
- Evaluation of pressor and visceromotor reflex responses to bladder distension in urethane anesthetized rats.. 28. 2009
- Comparison of cystometric methods in female rats.. 27. 2008
- Repair of vaginal vault prolapse and pelvic floor relaxation using polypropylene mesh.. 24. 2005
- Simple test of pelvic muscle contraction during pelvic examination: correlation to surface electromyography.. 18. 1999
- Urological dysfunctions and upper urinary tract involvement in multiple sclerosis patients.. 17. 1998