publication venue for
- A method for decomposing multivariate time series into a causal hierarchy within specific frequency bands.. 45. 2018
- A negative group delay model for feedback-delayed manual tracking performance.. 41. 2016
- Dipole characterization of single neurons from their extracellular action potentials.. 32. 2011
- Reduced order modeling of passive and quasi-active dendrites for nervous system simulation.. 31. 2011
- Information-geometric measure of 3-neuron firing patterns characterizes scale-dependence in cortical networks.. 30. 2010
- Dynamics of coupled thalamocortical modules.. 28. 2010
- Self-sustained asynchronous irregular states and Up-Down states in thalamic, cortical and thalamocortical networks of nonlinear integrate-and-fire neurons.. 27. 2009
- Contextual modulation of V1 receptive fields depends on their spatial symmetry.. 26. 2008
- The dynamic structure underlying subthreshold oscillatory activity and the onset of spikes in a model of medial entorhinal cortex stellate cells.. 21. 2006
- Relation between potassium-channel kinetics and the intrinsic dynamics in isolated retinal bipolar cells.. 12. 2002
- JCNS goes multiscale. 2024
- Editorial: new article type "perspective".. 49. 2021