publication venue for
- Binge drinking and sexual risk behavior among US sexual and gender minority college students.. 31. 2021
- Physicians' and Attorneys' Beliefs and Attitudes Related to the Brain Disease Model of Addiction.. 29. 2020
- Attitudes toward defendants with substance-related charges: An analysis of a national sample of criminal defense attorneys.. 27. 2018
- Changes in psychiatry residents' attitudes towards individuals with substance use disorders over the course of residency training.. 26. 2016
- Gender differences in associations between lifetime alcohol, depression, panic disorder, and posttraumatic stress disorder and tobacco withdrawal.. 18. 2009
- Measuring alcohol consumption among older adults: a comparison of available methods.. 12. 2003
- Substance use disorders in gay/bisexual men with HIV and AIDS.. 7. 1998
- Mania, cocaine, and rhabdomyolysis: a case report.. 21. 2012