publication venue for
- Vaginal agglutination: chronic graft-versus-host disease mimics lichen planus. 2011
- Bridging Gaps in Cervical Cancer Care: A Web-Based Intervention to Improve Knowledge and Follow-up. 2024
- Understanding Perceived Barriers to Colposcopy Follow-Up Among Underserved Women at an Urban Teaching Hospital: A Qualitative Study. 2022
- Vulvovaginal Pyoderma Gangrenosum in a Patient Treated With Ocrelizumab for Multiple Sclerosis.. 26. 2022
- Descriptors of Vulvodynia: A Multisocietal Definition Consensus (International Society for the Study of Vulvovaginal Disease, the International Society for the Study of Women Sexual Health, and the International Pelvic Pain Society).. 23. 2019
- Aptima Human Papillomavirus E6/E7 mRNA Test Results Strongly Associated With Risk for High-Grade Cervical Lesions in Follow-Up Biopsies.. 22. 2018
- p16 Immunohistochemistry in Colposcope-Directed and Random Cervical Biopsies of CIN2 and CIN3.. 20. 2016
- An Insight Into Cervical Cancer Screening and Treatment Capacity in Sub Saharan Africa.. 20. 2016
- Vulvodynia and Concomitant Femoro-Acetabular Impingement: Long-Term Follow-up After Hip Arthroscopy.. 19. 2015
- Collagen expression in the pregnant human cervix is decreased with labor.. 16. 2012
- Anal dysplasia in HIV-infected women with cervical and vulvar dysplasia.. 8. 2004
- Demonstration of her-2 protein in cervical carcinomas.. 7. 2003
- Presentation and screening history of indigent women with cervical cancer: implications for prevention.. 4. 2000