publication venue for
- Long-range gamma phase synchronization as a compensatory strategy during working memory in high-performing patients with schizophrenia.. 40. 2018
- Glucose regulation and cognitive function after bariatric surgery.. 37. 2015
- The effect of Parkinson's disease subgroups on verbal and nonverbal fluency.. 36. 2014
- Neuropsychological factors differentiating treated children with pediatric bipolar disorder from those with attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder.. 33. 2010
- A comparative study of the MATRICS and IntegNeuro cognitive assessment batteries.. 32. 2010
- Neuropsychological functioning in postpartum depressed versus nondepressed females and nonpostpartum controls.. 32. 2010
- Assessment of the influence of cognition and cognitive processing speed on three tests of olfaction.. 30. 2007
- Clinical relevance of cognitive scores in hepatitis C patients with advanced fibrosis.. 28. 2006
- An examination of executive dysfunction associated with frontostriatal circuitry in Parkinson's disease.. 28. 2006
- The relation between computerized and paper-and-pencil mental rotation tasks: a validation study.. 28. 2006
- Attention network dysfunction and treatment response of geriatric depression.. 28. 2006
- Interrater reliability of clinical ratings and neurocognitive diagnoses in HIV.. 26. 2004
- Clustering and switching in phonemic fluency following pallidotomy for the treatment of Parkinson's disease.. 25. 2003
- Evaluation of attention process training and brain injury education in persons with acquired brain injury.. 22. 2000
- Adaptive decision making, ecological validity, and the frontal lobes.. 22. 2000
- Is there a "subcortical" profile of attentional dysfunction? A comparison of patients with Huntington's and Parkinson's diseases on a global-local focused attention task.. 20. 1998
- Effects of olfactory stimulation on the vigilance performance of individuals with brain injury.. 20. 1998
- Impact of pediatric traumatic brain injury on components of verbal memory.. 20. 1998
- Visual attention and perception in patients with Huntington's disease: comparisons with other subcortical and cortical dementias.. 17. 1995
- Dysfunctional attention in autistic savants.. 15. 1993
- Brain imaging of attentional networks in normal and pathological states. 2001