publication venue for
- Did the acute impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on drinking or nicotine use persist? Evidence from a cohort of emerging adults followed for up to nine years.. 131. 2022
- Prospective effects of loneliness on frequency of alcohol and marijuana use.. 124. 2021
- The impact of the abuse-deterrent reformulation of extended-release OxyContin on prescription pain reliever misuse and heroin initiation.. 105. 2019
- Prescription painkiller misuse and the perceived risk of harm from using heroin.. 93. 2019
- Challenges on the road to recovery: Exploring attitudes and experiences of clients in a community-based buprenorphine program in Baltimore City.. 93. 2019
- The impact of sexual self-concept ambiguity on alcohol approach bias and consumption.. 92. 2018
- The magnitude and impact of tobacco marketing exposure in adolescents' day-to-day lives: An ecological momentary assessment (EMA) study.. 88. 2018
- Marijuana use, craving, and academic motivation and performance among college students: An in-the-moment study.. 47. 2015
- Temporal sequence of comorbid alcohol use disorder and anorexia nervosa.. 38. 2012
- Withdrawal symptoms over time among adolescents in a smoking cessation intervention: do symptoms vary by level of nicotine dependence?. 34. 2009
- Characteristics of adolescent past-year gamblers and non-gamblers in relation to alcohol drinking.. 32. 2006
- Attention and adolescent tobacco use: A potential self-regulatory dynamic underlying nicotine addiction.. 31. 2005
- Knowledge, attitudes, and practices of argileh (water pipe or hubble-bubble) and cigarette smoking among pregnant women in Lebanon.. 29. 2004
- Major depression among adolescent smokers undergoing treatment for nicotine dependence.. 29. 2004
- Common predictors of cigarette smoking, alcohol use, aggression, and delinquency among inner-city minority youth.. 28. 2003
- Onset of major depression during treatment for nicotine dependence.. 28. 2003
- Childhood trauma as a correlate of lifetime opiate use in psychiatric patients.. 25. 2000
- Preventing illicit drug use in adolescents: long-term follow-up data from a randomized control trial of a school population.. 25. 2000
- Alcohol and marijuana use among rural youth: interaction of social and intrapersonal influences.. 23. 1998
- Psychological profile of college students who use smokeless tobacco.. 18. 1993
- Impact of aftercare arrangements on the maintenance of treatment success in abusive drinkers.. 8. 1983