publication venue for
- Isolated pulmonary metastases from prostatic adenocarcinoma. 1993
- Why the disease-based model of medicine fails our patients.. 176. 2002
- Hypnosis and relaxation therapies.. 175. 2001
- Herbal medicine.. 175. 2001
- Bone graft substitutes.. 163. 1995
- A practitioner's guide to treatment selection in psychiatry.. 146. 1987
- Medical expert systems--knowledge tools for physicians.. 145. 1986
- Diet and health.. 141. 1984
- Neurosurgery-important advances in clinical medicine: computed tomographic guided stereotaxis of the brain.. 140. 1984
- Interstitial lung disease: aggressive clinical management versus diagnostic and therapeutic nihilism.. 136. 1982
- Gunshot wounds to the brain--a civilian experience.. 132. 1980
- Part 2. Putting principles into practice.. 176. 2002
- Diagnosing brain death.. 140. 1984
- Initial behavioral health assessment of Asian Americans. Part 1. Key principles. 2002
- Role of nitric oxide in progression and regression of atherosclerosis. 1996
- Long-term care for the elderly. The future of nursing homes. 1989
- Acromegaly update--etiology, diagnosis and management. 1987
- Radiologic imaging modalities, including magnetic resonance, for evaluating lymph nodes. 1986