publication venue for
- Temporal Changes in REBOA Utilization Practices are Associated With Increased Survival: an Analysis of the AORTA Registry.. 55. 2021
- Peripheral Venous Waveform Analysis for Detecting Hemorrhage and Iatrogenic Volume Overload in a Porcine Model.. 46. 2016
- Protective effect of suberoylanilide hydroxamic acid against LPS-induced septic shock in rodents.. 32. 2009
- The role of endogenously produced extracellular hsp72 in mononuclear cell reprogramming.. 30. 2008
- HMGB1 signals through toll-like receptor (TLR) 4 and TLR2.. 26. 2006
- Infection-induced modulation of m1 and m2 phenotypes in circulating monocytes: role in immune monitoring and early prognosis of sepsis.. 22. 2004
- A protective role of interleukin 11 on hepatic injury in acute endotoxemia.. 21. 2004
- Ethyl pyruvate provides durable protection against inflammation-induced intestinal epithelial barrier dysfunction.. 20. 2003
- Increased ICAM-1 and beta2 integrin expression in parenterally fed mice after a gut ischemic insult.. 18. 2002
- Hypotension during septic shock does not correlate with exhaled nitric oxide in anesthetized rat.. 17. 2002
- Fetuin, a negative acute phase protein, attenuates TNF synthesis and the innate inflammatory response to carrageenan.. 15. 2001
- TNF mediates a murine model of Addison's crisis.. 15. 2001
- Lethality of endotoxin in mice genetically deficient in the respiratory burst oxidase, inducible nitric oxide synthase, or both.. 11. 1999
- Factors influencing outcome of prolonged norepinephrine therapy for shock in critical surgical illness.. 10. 1998
- The role of endogenous nitric oxide in the sympathetic and hemodynamic response to platelet activating factor-induced hypotension in anesthetized dogs.. 9. 1998
- Anti-selectin therapy modifies skeletal muscle ischemia and reperfusion injury.. 5. 1996
- The effect of hypertonic fluid resuscitation on brain edema in rabbits subjected to brain injury and hemorrhagic shock.. 3. 1995