publication venue for
- Tropical Achilles Tendinopathy: Sea Urchin Spine Injury. 2022
- Acral lentiginous melanoma of the foot misdiagnosed as a traumatic ulcer. A cautionary case. 2015
- The Pachyonychia Congenita Virtual Support Group Meeting: Patient Insights and Pearls.. 113. 2023
- SCAI/ACR/APMA/SCVS/SIR/SVM/SVS/VESS Position Statement on Competencies for Endovascular Specialists Providing CLTI Care.. 112. 2022
- Poor Antifungal Coverage for Onychomycosis in a Cross-Sectional Analysis of Medicaid Formularies.. 112. 2022
- Motor-Evoked Potentials of the Abductor Hallucis Muscle and Their Relationship with Foot Arch Functional Anatomy.. 107. 2017
- Foot Pain in Relation to Ipsilateral and Contralateral Lower-Extremity Pain in a Population-Based Study.. 107. 2017
- Ultrasound diagnosis and evaluation of plantar heel pain.. 105. 2015
- A chemical application method with underwater dissection to improve anatomic identification of cadaveric foot and ankle structures in podiatric education.. 103. 2013
- Effect of shoe flexibility on plantar loading in children learning to walk.. 103. 2013
- The occurrence of ipsilateral or contralateral foot disorders and hand dominance: the Framingham foot study.. 103. 2013
- Psychometric properties and podiatric medical student perceptions of USMLE-style items in a general anatomy course.. 102. 2012
- The effect of customized insoles on the reduction of postwork discomfort.. 91. 2001