publication venue for
- Internal auditory canal involvement of acoustic neuromas: surgical correlates to magnetic resonance imaging findings. 2001
- A Multi-Institutional Analysis of Device Failures in a Recent Cochlear Implant Series. 2025
- Repeat Radiosurgery for Sporadic Vestibular Schwannoma After Primary Radiosurgical Failure: An International Multi-institutional Investigation.. 45. 2024
- Racial and Ethnic Disparities Among Hearing Aid and Cochlear Implant Patients at a Tertiary-Level Academic Otology Practice.. 44. 2023
- Myosin Mutations and Sudden Sensorineural Hearing Loss: Results of Whole Exome Sequencing.. 44. 2022
- Segmentation of Vestibular Schwannomas on Postoperative Gadolinium-Enhanced T1-Weighted and Noncontrast T2-Weighted Magnetic Resonance Imaging Using Deep Learning.. 43. 2022
- Hearing Preservation After Intervention in Vestibular Schwannoma.. 43. 2022
- Predictors of Recurrence After Sub-total or Near-total Resection of Vestibular Schwannoma: Importance of Tumor Volume and Ventral Extension.. 43. 2022
- Parent-Child Agreement on Quality of Life in Children With Hearing Loss Using the HEAR-QL.. 42. 2021
- Investigating Predictors of Increased Length of Stay After Resection of Vestibular Schwannoma Using Machine Learning.. 42. 2021
- Evaluation of Spin in the Abstracts of Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses Focused on Tinnitus. 2021
- Comparison of Cochlear Implant Device Fixation-Well Drilling Versus Subperiosteal Pocket. A Cost Effectiveness, Case-Control Study.. 42. 2021
- Perspectives From American Otological Society Past Presidents Since the 125th American Otological Society Anniversary Publication.. 39. 2018
- Stapedotomy With Adipose Tissue Seal: Hearing Outcomes, Incidence of Sensorineural Hearing Loss, and Comparison to Alternative Techniques.. 37. 2016
- Radiation-Induced Necrosis of the Temporal Bone: Diagnosis and Management.. 36. 2015
- In Silico Analysis of NF2 Gene Missense Mutations in Neurofibromatosis Type 2: From Genotype to Phenotype.. 36. 2015
- Preserved low-frequency hearing following 20-mm cochlear implantation.. 36. 2015
- Surveillance after resection of vestibular schwannoma: measurement techniques and predictors of growth.. 35. 2014
- The role of obesity in spontaneous temporal bone encephaloceles and CSF leak.. 33. 2012
- The use of KTP laser in revision stapedectomy.. 33. 2012
- The relationship between individual ossicular status and conductive hearing loss in cholesteatoma.. 33. 2012
- Using surgical observations of ossicular erosion patterns to characterize cholesteatoma growth.. 32. 2011
- Predictive factors of hearing preservation after surgical resection of small vestibular schwannomas.. 31. 2010
- Intraoperative neural response telemetry as a predictor of performance.. 31. 2010
- Assessment of variation throughout the year in the incidence of idiopathic sudden sensorineural hearing loss.. 31. 2010
- Protection against cisplatin-induced ototoxicity by adeno-associated virus-mediated delivery of the X-linked inhibitor of apoptosis protein is not dependent on caspase inhibition.. 28. 2007
- Implication of central asymmetry in speech processing on selecting the ear for cochlear implantation.. 28. 2007
- AAV-mediated delivery of the caspase inhibitor XIAP protects against cisplatin ototoxicity.. 27. 2006
- Hyperbaric oxygen therapy for sudden sensorineural hearing loss: a prospective trial of patients failing steroid and antiviral treatment.. 26. 2005
- Arrest of apoptosis in auditory neurons: implications for sensorineural preservation in cochlear implantation.. 24. 2003
- Otologic manifestations of Fanconi anemia.. 23. 2002
- The incidence of facial nerve dehiscence at surgery for cholesteatoma.. 22. 2001
- Bilateral paragangliomas with associated venous anomalies.. 22. 2001
- Introduction.. 40. 2019
- Open Access: Is There a Predator at the Door?. 39. 2018
- The value of resident presentations at scientific meetings.. 34. 2013
- Management options for cerebrospinal fluid leak after vestibular schwannoma surgery and introduction of an innovative treatment. 2004
- The incidence of cerebrospinal fluid leak after vestibular schwannoma surgery. 2004