publication venue for
- Early prediction of mastery of a computerized functional skills training program in participants with mild cognitive impairment.. 36. 2024
- Early prediction of mastery of a computerized functional skills training program in participants with mild cognitive impairment. 2024
- Philosophy Concepts Can Guide Interventions Aimed to Promote Wisdom in Late Life. 2024
- Subjective, neuropsychological, and neural markers of memory in older adults. 2021
- PROTECT: a novel psychotherapy for late-life depression in elder abuse victims.. 33. 2021
- Minocycline augmentation in older adults with persistent depression: an open label proof of concept study.. 32. 2020
- Depression, cognitive, and functional outcomes of Problem Adaptation Therapy (PATH) in older adults with major depression and mild cognitive deficits.. 32. 2020
- Older women who died by suicide: suicide means, sociodemographic and psychiatric risk factors, and other precipitating circumstances.. 30. 2018
- Using qualitative methods to develop a measure of resident-to-resident elder mistreatment in nursing homes.. 25. 2013
- Treatment characteristics of delirium superimposed on dementia.. 23. 2011
- Sleep and physical functioning in family caregivers of older adults with memory impairment.. 22. 2009
- Validation of the Arabic version of the short Geriatric Depression Scale (GDS-15).. 20. 2008
- Vascular dementia: a historical background.. 15 Suppl 1. 2003
- Similarities in the disturbances in cortical information processing in alcoholism and aging: a pilot evoked potential study.. 12. 2000
- Cognitive and noncognitive symptoms in dementia patients: relationship to cortisol and dehydroepiandrosterone.. 10. 1998
- Contribution of structural neuroimaging to the early diagnosis of Alzheimer's disease.. 9 Suppl 1. 1997
- A double-blind, placebo-controlled clinical trial of fluoxetine in geriatric patients with major depression. The Fluoxetine Collaborative Study Group.. 7. 1995
- Clinical response predictors in a double-blind, placebo-controlled trial of fluoxetine for geriatric major depression. Fluoxetine Collaborative Study Group.. 7 Suppl. 1995
- Proposed factor structure of the Geriatric Depression Scale.. 3. 1991
- Clonidine challenge of cortisol secretion in dementia and geriatric depression.. 1. 1989
- Increasing resilience in older adults.. 32. 2020
- Improving environmental interventions for neuropsychiatric symptoms in dementia.. 31. 2019
- Redressing disparities in end-of-life care and serious mental illness through models of care and workforce development. 2021
- The needle has been blunt for 20 years. 2010
- Novel international research on late-life suicide.. 36. 2024
- Pre-existing cognitive impairment and post-operative cognitive dysfunction: should we be talking the same language?. 28. 2016
- Anesthesia and Alzheimer's disease: time to wake up!. 25. 2012
- The cellular basis of delirium and its relevance to age-related disorders including Alzheimer's disease. 1991