publication venue for
- Exploring the Landscape of Integrative Medicine in Pediatric Oncology: Characterization of an Outpatient Consultative Service.. 12. 2025
- Exploring Pediatric Vertebral, Sacral, and Pelvic Osteosarcomas through the NCDB: Demographics, Treatment Utilization, and Survival Outcomes.. 11. 2024
- Femoral Occlusion during Neonatal Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation Improves Outcomes in an Ovine Model of Perinatal Cardiac Arrest.. 10. 2023
- Neurodevelopmental, Mental Health, and Parenting Issues in Preterm Infants.. 10. 2023
- Use of Suctioning during Newborn Resuscitation and Its Effects on Heart Rate in a Low-Resource Setting, Tanzania.. 10. 2023
- Capacity Building in Remote Facilitation of Newborn Resuscitation.. 10. 2023
- Neurodevelopmental Outcome at 6 Months Following Neonatal Resuscitation in Rural Tanzania.. 10. 2023
- Association between Platelet Transfusion and Delirium in Critically Ill Children.. 10. 2023
- Masked Randomized Trial of Epinephrine versus Vasopressin in an Ovine Model of Perinatal Cardiac Arrest.. 10. 2023
- Safety and Efficacy of Sildenafil for Group 2 Pulmonary Hypertension in Left Heart Failure.. 10. 2023
- 3D Surface Topographic Optical Scans Yield Highly Reliable Global Spine Range of Motion Measurements in Scoliotic and Non-Scoliotic Adolescents.. 9. 2022
- Initial Use of 100% but Not 60% or 30% Oxygen Achieved a Target Heart Rate of 100 bpm and Preductal Saturations of 80% Faster in a Bradycardic Preterm Model.. 9. 2022
- Indications for Hospitalization in Children with SARS-CoV-2 Infection during the Omicron Wave in New York City.. 9. 2022
- The Effects of Adolescent Idiopathic Scoliosis on Axial Rotation of the Spine: A Study of Twisting Using Surface Topography.. 9. 2022
- Use of a Novel Manikin for Neonatal Resuscitation Ventilation Training.. 9. 2022
- A Randomised Controlled Study of Low-Dose High-Frequency In-Situ Simulation Training to Improve Newborn Resuscitation.. 8. 2021
- Novel Neonatal Simulator Provides High-Fidelity Ventilation Training Comparable to Real-Life Newborn Ventilation.. 8. 2021
- Lengthening the Lower Extremities of Children with Ollier's and Maffucci's Enchondromatosis Using Implantable Lengthening Nails.. 8. 2021
- Effect of a Larger Flush Volume on Bioavailability and Efficacy of Umbilical Venous Epinephrine during Neonatal Resuscitation in Ovine Asphyxial Arrest.. 8. 2021
- Inhaled Nitric Oxide at Birth Reduces Pulmonary Vascular Resistance and Improves Oxygenation in Preterm Lambs.. 8. 2021
- Does Parenting Style Affect Adolescent IBD Transition Readiness and Self-Efficacy Scores?. 8. 2021
- Sustained Inflation Reduces Pulmonary Blood Flow during Resuscitation with an Intact Cord.. 8. 2021
- "Difficult to Sedate": Successful Implementation of a Benzodiazepine-Sparing Analgosedation-Protocol in Mechanically Ventilated Children.. 8. 2021
- Resuscitation with an Intact Cord Enhances Pulmonary Vasodilation and Ventilation with Reduction in Systemic Oxygen Exposure and Oxygen Load in an Asphyxiated Preterm Ovine Model.. 8. 2021
- The Relationship between Stressors and Pain-Related Clinical Outcomes in Pediatric Chronic Pain Patients.. 8. 2021
- Oxygenation and Hemodynamics during Chest Compressions in a Lamb Model of Perinatal Asphyxia Induced Cardiac Arrest.. 6. 2019
- Weight Loss Medications in Young Adults after Bariatric Surgery for Weight Regain or Inadequate Weight Loss: A Multi-Center Study.. 5. 2018
- Hearing Loss in Adult Survivors of Childhood Cancer Treated with Radiotherapy.. 5. 2018
- Late Effects and Survivorship Issues in Patients with Neuroblastoma. 2018
- Seroprevalence of Dengue and Chikungunya Virus Infections in Children Living in Sub-Saharan Africa: Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis. 2023
- The Impact of COVID-19 School Closure on Child and Adolescent Health: A Rapid Systematic Review. 2021
- Current and Emerging Therapies in the Management of Hypoxic Ischemic Encephalopathy in Neonates. 2018
- Clinical Guidelines for the Care of Childhood Cancer Survivors. 2014