publication venue for
- Adverse childhood experiences and post-traumatic stress impacts on brain connectivity and alcohol use in adolescence. 2025
- Cognitive estimations as a measure of executive dysfunction in childhood epilepsy.. 22. 2014
- Assessment of executive functioning in childhood epilepsy: the Tower of London and BRIEF.. 18. 2011
- Assessing effort during neuropsychological evaluation with the TOMM in children and adolescents with epilepsy.. 15. 2009
- Moderating effects of neurocognitive abilities on the relationship between temperament and global functioning.. 16. 2009
- Executive and attention functioning among children in the PANDAS subgroup.. 15. 2008
- Socio-communicative deficits in young children with Williams syndrome: performance on the Autism Diagnostic Observation Schedule.. 13. 2007
- Association between restricted and repetitive behaviors and nonverbal IQ in children with autism spectrum disorders.. 12. 2006