publication venue for
- Corrigendum to "Development of an international glossary for clinical guidelines collaboration" "[Journal of Clinical Epidemiology 158 (2023) 84-91]". 2024
- The Fragility Index Can Be Used For Sample Size Calculations in Clinical Trials. 2021
- PCORnet® 2020: current state, accomplishments, and future directions.. 129. 2020
- GRADE equity guidelines 2: considering health equity in GRADE guideline development: equity extension of the guideline development checklist.. 90. 2017
- GRADE equity guidelines 1: considering health equity in GRADE guideline development: introduction and rationale.. 90. 2017
- GRADE equity guidelines 3: considering health equity in GRADE guideline development: rating the certainty of synthesized evidence.. 90. 2017
- Nonlinear modeling was applied thoughtfully for risk prediction: the Prostate Biopsy Collaborative Group.. 68. 2014
- Observational and clinical trial findings on the comparative effectiveness of diabetes drugs showed agreement.. 68. 2014
- Adding a "GRADE" to the quality appraisal of rheumatoid arthritis guidelines identifies limitations beyond AGREE-II.. 67. 2014
- Cardiovascular outcome ascertainment was similar using blinded and unblinded adjudicators in a national prospective study.. 63. 2010
- Classification and regression tree uncovered hierarchy of psychosocial determinants underlying quality-of-life response shift in HIV/AIDS.. 62. 2009
- The Charlson comorbidity index is adapted to predict costs of chronic disease in primary care patients.. 61. 2008
- A simulation using data from a primary care practice database closely replicated the women's health initiative trial.. 60. 2006
- African American race was associated with an increased risk of complications following venous thromboembolism.. 60. 2006
- Patients undergoing knee surgery provided accurate ratings of preoperative quality of life and function 2 weeks after surgery.. 59. 2006
- Simulation of the Syst-Eur randomized control trial using a primary care electronic medical record was feasible.. 59. 2006
- Telephone reminder calls increased response rates to mailed study consent forms.. 58. 2005
- Three independent factors predicted adherence in a randomized controlled trial of resistance exercise training among prostate cancer survivors.. 57. 2004
- Different methods to assess quality of life from multiple follow-ups in a longitudinal asthma study.. 57. 2004
- A comparison of two time intervals for test-retest reliability of health status instruments.. 56. 2003
- Underpowering in randomized trials reporting a sample size calculation.. 56. 2003
- Development and evaluation of a medication adherence self-efficacy scale in hypertensive African-American patients.. 56. 2003
- Self-assessed global quality of life: a comparison between African-American and white older patients with arthritis.. 55. 2002
- A comparison of patients' responses about their disability with and without attribution to their affected area.. 54. 2001
- Comparing discriminative validity between a disease-specific and a general health scale in patients with moderate asthma.. 54. 2001
- Signs and symptoms of melanoma in older populations.. 53. 2000
- Alcohol exposure and health services utilization in older veterans.. 53. 2000
- Patient knowledge, awareness, and delay in seeking medical attention for malignant melanoma.. 52. 1999
- How should importance and severity ratings be combined for item reduction in the development of health status instruments?. 52. 1999
- Clinimetric and psychometric strategies for development of a health measurement scale.. 52. 1999
- Identifying providers of care to individuals with human immunodeficiency virus for a mail survey using a prescription tracking database.. 52. 1999
- Reliability and validity of self-report CD4 counts-in persons hospitalized with HIV disease.. 50. 1997
- The influence of psychological and social factors on accuracy of self-reported blood pressure.. 50. 1997
- Long-term prognosis after peri-operative cardiac complications.. 47. 1994
- Validation of a combined comorbidity index.. 47. 1994
- The differential diagnosis of primary lung cancer: inter-observer agreement and contribution of specific diagnostic procedures.. 45. 1992
- Relating patient characteristics at the time of admission to outcomes of hospitalization.. 44. 1991
- Blood pressure reactivity predicts myocardial infarction among treated hypertensive patients.. 43. 1990
- Responsiveness and validity in health status measurement: a clarification.. 42. 1989
- The post-operative electrocardiogram and creatine kinase: implications for diagnosis of myocardial infarction after non-cardiac surgery.. 42. 1989
- Clinical assessments as predictors of one year survival after hospitalization: implications for prognostic stratification.. 41. 1988
- Day hospital as an alternative to inpatient care for cancer patients: a random assignment trial.. 41. 1988
- Meta-analysis methods for diagnostic accuracy.. 61. 2008
- Systematic reviews of diagnostic accuracy studies require study by study examination: first for heterogeneity, and then for sources of heterogeneity.. 58. 2005
- The more things change..... 46. 1993
- Three comments on the RIR method. 2022
- Comment by M.E. Charlson and M. Wells.. 79. 2016
- How useful are models of natural history in clinical decision making and clinical research?. 47. 1994
- Development of an international glossary for clinical guidelines collaboration. 2023
- How to understand and teach P values: a diagnostic test framework. 2020
- How useful are unpublished data from the Food and Drug Administration in meta-analysis? 2003