publication venue for
- Pyogenic parenchymatous and nidus infection after embolization of an arteriovenous malformation. An unusual complication. Case report. 1993
- Giant ossifying fibroma of the nasal cavity with intracranial extension. 1981
- Safety and efficacy of hydroset cranioplasty as an adjunct to gasket-seal and nasoseptal flap closure of the skull base. A case-controlled study.. 166. 2024
- Combined surgical repair and venous sinus stenting for patients with skull base encephaloceles secondary to dural venous sinus stenosis. 2023
- Durable headache relief following endoscopic endonasal resection of sub-centimeter Rathke cleft cysts in medically refractory patients. 2023
- Minimally invasive tubular approach for lumbar extraforaminal disc herniation: how I do it.. 165. 2023
- Histology of high-grade glioma samples resected using 5-ALA fluorescent headlight and loupe combination. 2023
- Combined use of vancomycin powder and betadine irrigation lowers the incidence of postcraniotomy wound infection in low-risk cases: a single-center risk-stratified cohort analysis. 2022
- The slope of the learning curve in 600 consecutive endoscopic transsphenoidal pituitary surgeries.. 162. 2020
- Low incidence of true Sternberg's canal defects among lateral sphenoid sinus encephaloceles.. 162. 2020
- Acellular dermal matrix as an alternative to autologous fascia lata for skull base repair following extended endoscopic endonasal approaches.. 162. 2020
- Anterior communicating artery division in the endoscopic endonasal translamina terminalis approach to the third ventricle: an anatomical feasibility study.. 161. 2018
- Radiation therapy rather than prior surgery reduces extent of resection during endonasal endoscopic reoperation for craniopharyngioma.. 160. 2018
- Transorbital endoscopic approach for exposure of the sylvian fissure, middle cerebral artery and crural cistern: an anatomical study.. 159. 2017
- Predictors and incidence of orthostatic headache associated with lumbar drain placement following endoscopic endonasal skull base surgery.. 159. 2017
- Endovascular management of adjacent tandem intracranial aneurysms: utilization of stent-assisted coiling and flow diversion.. 157. 2015
- A step-wise approach to deep brain stimulation in mice.. 156. 2014
- Minimally invasive percutaneous transpedicular screw fixation: increased accuracy and reduced radiation exposure by means of a novel electromagnetic navigation system.. 153. 2010
- Short and long-term motor and cognitive outcome of staged bilateral pallidotomy: a retrospective analysis.. 149. 2007
- Brainstem hypoperfusion in severe symptomatic vasospasm following aneurysmal subarachnoid hemorrhage: role of basilar artery vasospasm.. 148. 2006
- The microsurgical anatomy of the cisternal segment of the trochlear nerve, as seen through different neurosurgical operative windows.. 144. 2002
- Open MRI-guided microsurgery of intracranial tumours. Preliminary experience using a vertical open MRI-scanner.. 142. 2000
- Open MRI-guided neurosurgery.. 141. 1999
- Phase contrast magnetic resonance of the spinal cord preliminary results in spinal cord arterio-venous malformations.. 123. 1993
- The utilization of native glioma antigens in the assessment of cellular and humoral immune responses in malignant glioma patients.. 55. 1981
- Complete bilateral arcuate foramina and atlantoaxial subluxation.. 155. 2013
- On the relationship between intracerebral venous pressure, intracranial pressure and brain edema. 2007
- Clinical relevance of blast-related traumatic brain injury.. 154. 2011
- Endonasal surgery for suprasellar germ cell tumors: two cases and review of the literature. 2019
- Expanding applications of deep brain stimulation: a potential therapeutic role in obesity and addiction management. 2011