publication venue for
- Scholarly activity training in pediatric pulmonology fellowship programs.. 57. 2022
- A comparison between high-flow nasal cannula and noninvasive ventilation in the management of infants and young children with acute bronchiolitis in the PICU.. 55. 2020
- Funding sources and effects of limited funding in pediatric pulmonology fellowship programs.. 55. 2019
- Interleukin 1 receptor antagonist (IL1RA) gene polymorphism and levels associated with adverse outcome in severe community-acquired pneumonia in children: A hospital-based study in India.. 53. 2018
- Pediatric acute respiratory distress syndrome associated with human metapneumovirus and respiratory syncytial virus.. 53. 2018
- Predicting frequent emergency department visits among children with asthma using EHR data.. 52. 2017
- Heterogeneity of lower airway inflammation in children with severe-persistent asthma.. 50. 2015
- Fungal sensitization in childhood persistent asthma is associated with disease severity.. 49. 2013
- Fulminant pertussis: a multi-center study with new insights into the clinico-pathological mechanisms.. 44. 2009
- Pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics of linezolid in children with cystic fibrosis.. 44. 2009
- Exposure to environmental tobacco smoke among children presenting to the emergency department with acute asthma: a multicenter study.. 42. 2007
- KL4-surfactant prevents hyperoxic and LPS-induced lung injury in mice.. 41. 2006
- Respiratory burst activity in bronchopulmonary dysplasia and changes with dexamethasone.. 35. 2003
- Ventilatory control in newborn mice prenatally exposed to cocaine.. 34. 2002
- Natural history of primary snoring in children.. 26. 1998
- Evaluation of pulmonary function and polysomnography in obese children and adolescents.. 21. 1996
- The effects of bone marrow transplantation on pulmonary function in children.. 18. 1994
- Ventilation-perfusion relationships in preterm infants after surfactant treatment.. 18. 1994
- Benefits and complications of troleandomycin (TAO) in young children with steroid-dependent asthma.. 10. 1991
- The effect of age on pulmonary epithelial permeability in unanesthetized lambs.. 1. 1985
- Validation of diagnostic coding for children's interstitial lung disease (chILD). 2023
- Asthma 17q21 polymorphism associates with decreased risk of COVID-19 in children. 2022
- Allergic bronchopulmonary aspergillosis with hilar adenopathy in a 42-month-old boy. 2007
- Diagnostic criteria for obstructive sleep apnea syndrome in children.. 14. 1992
- Diffuse pulmonary arteriovenous malformations (angiodysplasia) with unusual histologic features: case report and review of the literature. 1996