publication venue for
- Using a mixed-reality headset to elicit and track clinically relevant movement in the clinic.. 415. 2024
- Mapping lumbar efferent and afferent spinal circuitries via paddle array in a porcine model.. 405. 2024
- Identification of new behavioral parameters to assess odorant hedonic value in humans: a naturalistic approach. 2021
- Seed-based dual regression: An illustration of the impact of dual regression's inherent filtering of global signal. 2021
- Osprey: Open-source processing, reconstruction & estimation of magnetic resonance spectroscopy data.. 343. 2020
- Imaging neuronal activity in the central and peripheral nervous systems using new Thy1.2-GCaMP6 transgenic mouse lines.. 334. 2020
- A vascular-task response dependency and its application in functional imaging of brain tumors.. 322. 2019
- Shady: A software engine for real-time visual stimulus manipulation.. 320. 2019
- The strength and spread of the electric field induced by transcranial rotating permanent magnet stimulation in comparison with conventional transcranial magnetic stimulation.. 309. 2018
- Non-imaged based method for matching brains in a common anatomical space for cellular imagery.. 304. 2018
- Designing GABA-edited magnetic resonance spectroscopy studies: Considerations of scan duration, signal-to-noise ratio and sample size.. 303. 2018
- Dexterity: A MATLAB-based analysis software suite for processing and visualizing data from tasks that measure arm or forelimb function.. 286. 2017
- Predicting conversion from MCI to AD using resting-state fMRI, graph theoretical approach and SVM.. 282. 2017
- Robust power spectral estimation for EEG data.. 268. 2016
- The supination assessment task: An automated method for quantifying forelimb rotational function in rats.. 266. 2016
- SSVEP signatures of binocular rivalry during simultaneous EEG and fMRI.. 243. 2015
- Improved spindle detection through intuitive pre-processing of electroencephalogram.. 233. 2014
- Cannulation of the internal carotid artery in mice: a novel technique for intra-arterial delivery of therapeutics.. 222. 2013
- Immortalized human cerebral microvascular endothelial cells maintain the properties of primary cells in an in vitro model of immune migration across the blood brain barrier.. 212. 2012
- High-resolution detection of ¹³C multiplets from the conscious mouse brain by ex vivo NMR spectroscopy.. 203. 2011
- Modeling the orientation distribution function by mixtures of angular central Gaussian distributions.. 203. 2011
- Development of a three-dimensional, all-human in vitro model of the blood-brain barrier using mono-, co-, and tri-cultivation Transwell models.. 199. 2011
- Effects of cardiac pulsation in diffusion tensor imaging of the rat brain.. 194. 2010
- A computational framework for studying neuron morphology from in vitro high content neuron-based screening.. 190. 2010
- Intracerebral microdialysis during deep brain stimulation surgery.. 190. 2010
- Development of a simplified spinal cord ischemia model in mice.. 189. 2010
- Visual inspection of independent components: defining a procedure for artifact removal from fMRI data.. 189. 2010
- Characterization of trial-to-trial fluctuations in local field potentials recorded in cerebral cortex of awake behaving macaque.. 186. 2009
- A Bayesian statistical analysis of behavioral facilitation associated with deep brain stimulation.. 183. 2009
- High-resolution fMRI: overcoming the signal-to-noise problem.. 178. 2008
- Subarachnoid hemorrhage model in the rat: modification of the endovascular filament model.. 172. 2008
- Validation and use of a computer-assisted counting procedure to quantify BrdU-labeled proliferating cells in the early postnatal mouse hippocampus.. 172. 2008
- A simple, efficient tool for assessment of mice after unilateral cortex injury.. 168. 2007
- A novel computational approach for automatic dendrite spines detection in two-photon laser scan microscopy.. 165. 2007
- Dynamic programming algorithms for comparing multineuronal spike trains via cost-based metrics and alignments.. 161. 2006
- A novel tracing algorithm for high throughput imaging Screening of neuron-based assays.. 160. 2006
- Comparing spectra and coherences for groups of unequal size.. 159. 2006
- Computerized image analysis for quantitative neuronal phenotyping in zebrafish.. 153. 2005
- Amelioration of dural granulation tissue growth for primate neurophysiology.. 144. 2004
- Specific interference with gene expression and gene function mediated by long dsRNA in neural cells.. 121. 2002
- A method to measure the effective spread of focally injected muscimol into the central nervous system with electrophysiology and light microscopy.. 118. 2002
- A versatile microporation technique for the transfection of cultured CNS neurons.. 93. 1999
- Conditions providing enhanced transfection efficiency in rat pheochromocytoma PC12 cells permit analysis of the activity of the far-upstream and proximal promoter of the brain creatine kinase gene.. 92. 1999
- Novel method of chronically blocking retinal activity.. 87. 1999
- In vivo microelectrode track reconstruction using magnetic resonance imaging.. 80. 1998
- A simple water-immersion condenser for imaging living brain slices on an inverted microscope.. 76. 1997
- Measurement of vascular permeability in spinal cord using Evans Blue spectrophotometry and correction for turbidity.. 58. 1995
- Immunolabeling of retrogradely transported Fluoro-Gold: sensitivity and application to ultrastructural analysis of transmitter-specific mesolimbic circuitry.. 55. 1994
- Optimization of differential immunogold-silver and peroxidase labeling with maintenance of ultrastructure in brain sections before plastic embedding.. 33. 1990
- Utility of transcranial Doppler ultrasound for the integrative assessment of cerebrovascular function. 2011