publication venue for
- Network topology of NaV1.7 mutations in sodium channel-related painful disorders.. 11. 2017
- A multi-omic analysis of human naïve CD4+ T cells.. 9. 2015
- Pegasus: a comprehensive annotation and prediction tool for detection of driver gene fusions in cancer.. 8. 2014
- A 3D multiscale model of cancer stem cell in tumor development.. 7 Suppl 2. 2013
- mAPC-GibbsOS: an integrated approach for robust identification of gene regulatory networks.. 7 Suppl 5. 2013
- Gaussian graphical modeling reconstructs pathway reactions from high-throughput metabolomics data.. 5. 2011
- Towards a genome-scale kinetic model of cellular metabolism.. 4. 2010
- Transforming Boolean models to continuous models: methodology and application to T-cell receptor signaling.. 3. 2009