publication venue for
- The effects of valbenazine on tardive dyskinesia in older and younger patients.. 35. 2019
- Lay-delivered behavioral activation for depressed senior center clients: Pilot RCT.. 34. 2019
- Likelihood of depressive symptoms in US older adults by prescribed opioid potency: National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey 2005-2013.. 34. 2019
- Prevalence rates of arthritis among US older adults with varying degrees of depression: Findings from the 2011 to 2014 National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey.. 33. 2018
- Reward learning impairment and avoidance and rumination responses at the end of Engage therapy of late-life depression.. 33. 2018
- The Abrams geriatric self-neglect scale: introduction, validation and psychometric properties.. 33. 2017
- Assessing bipolar disorder in the older adult: the GERI-BD toolbox.. 33. 2017
- Reducing suicidal ideation in home health care: results from the CAREPATH depression care management trial.. 31. 2015
- Reward-related decision making in older adults: relationship to clinical presentation of depression.. 29. 2014
- Integration of geriatric mental health screening into a primary care practice: a patient satisfaction survey.. 30. 2014
- The salience network in the apathy of late-life depression.. 29. 2014
- Social support in late life mania: GERI-BD.. 29. 2014
- Melancholia in later life: late and early onset differences in presentation, course, and dementia risk.. 29. 2014
- Racial and ethnic variation in home healthcare nurse depression assessment of older minority patients.. 29. 2013
- Quality of life impacts on 16-year survival of an older ethnically diverse cohort.. 29. 2013
- The association between race and gender, treatment attitudes, and antidepressant treatment adherence.. 29. 2013
- Longitudinal studies of cerebral glucose metabolism in late-life depression and normal aging.. 28. 2012
- Ecosystem focused therapy in poststroke depression: a preliminary study.. 27. 2012
- Relationship of endothelial function and atherosclerosis to treatment response in late-life depression.. 27. 2012
- Association between participant-identified problems and depression severity in problem-solving therapy for low-income homebound older adults.. 27. 2011
- Semantic organizational strategy predicts verbal memory and remission rate of geriatric depression.. 27. 2011
- Coping with health stresses and remission from late-life depression in primary care: a two-year prospective study.. 27. 2011
- Depression symptom ratings in geriatric patients with bipolar mania.. 26. 2011
- Clinical associations of delirium in hospitalized adult patients and the role of on admission presentation.. 25. 2010
- Neuroimaging predictors for depressive symptoms in cerebral small vessel disease.. 25. 2010
- The long-term efficacy and tolerability of donepezil in patients with vascular dementia.. 25. 2010
- A comparison of psychiatric consultation between geriatric and non-geriatric medical inpatients.. 24. 2009
- Anterior cingulate cortical volumes and treatment remission of geriatric depression.. 24. 2009
- The functional neuroanatomy of geriatric depression.. 24. 2009
- Depressive symptoms and suicidal ideation among older adults receiving home delivered meals.. 23. 2008
- Population projection of US adults with lifetime experience of depressive disorder by age and sex from year 2005 to 2050.. 23. 2008
- An item-level analysis of the Center for Epidemiologic Studies Depression Scale (CES-D) by race and ethnicity in patients with coronary artery disease.. 23. 2008
- Outcomes of community-based social service interventions in homebound elders.. 23. 2008
- The effects of memory, attention, and executive dysfunction on outcomes of depression in a primary care intervention trial: the PROSPECT study.. 22. 2007
- Treating late-life depression with interpersonal psychotherapy in the primary care sector.. 22. 2007
- Suicidal ideation among elderly homecare patients.. 22. 2007
- Somatic symptoms of depression in elderly patients with medical comorbidities.. 20. 2005
- Behavioural and psychological syndromes in Alzheimer's disease.. 19. 2004
- Antidepressant-associated mania in late life.. 18. 2003
- Standard measures of executive function in predicting instrumental activities of daily living in older adults.. 17. 2002
- A short-term inpatient program for agitated demented nursing home residents.. 16. 2001
- Managing late-life depression in primary care practice: a case study of the Health Specialist's role.. 16. 2001
- Pharmacological treatment of depression in older primary care patients: the PROSPECT algorithm.. 16. 2001
- The benefits of a broader perspective in case-finding for disease management of depression: early lessons from the PROSPECT Study.. 16. 2001
- Age and nortriptyline concentrations in plasma ultrafiltrate.. 15. 2000
- Dementia: the cost of care for behaviourally disturbed patients living in the community.. 15. 2000
- Symptoms of striatofrontal dysfunction contribute to disability in geriatric depression.. 15. 2000
- Depressive symptomatology in coronary artery bypass graft surgery patients.. 14. 1999
- Late-life depression and functional disability: the role of goal-focused group psychotherapy.. 13. 1998
- Somatization in young versus older female panic disorder patients.. 13. 1998
- Age and psychosis in degenerative dementia.. 12. 1997
- Acute demyelinating encephalomyelitis presenting with psychiatric symptoms.. 28. 2013
- Mania during antidepressant withdrawal in late-onset depression.. 28. 2013
- A case of primary progressive aphasia associated with depression.. 27. 2012
- Neural correlates of reward processing in late-life depression.. 27. 2012
- Apathy associated with a unilateral globus pallidus lesion: a case report.. 26. 2011
- A case of late-life onset mania during Varenicline assisted smoking cessation.. 26. 2011
- Treatment as usual (TAU) control practices in the PROSPECT Study: managing the interaction and tension between research design and ethics.. 16. 2001
- Eating disorder treatment in very old age: A case for using CBT. 2021
- Safe resumption of electroconvulsive therapy (ECT) after vertebroplasty. 2012
- Rhabdomyolysis associated with mania in late life. 2009
- 2017 ICGP early career Investigators' awards.. 34. 2018
- Contributing to the growth of early career investigators.. 32. 2017
- ICGP awardees strengthen geriatric psychiatry. The role of ICGP and of the Journal.. 29. 2014
- Neuroimaging in geriatric psychiatry.. 24. 2009
- Psychosocial interventions for mental illness in late-life.. 22. 2007
- Personality disorders in the elderly: a flagging field of inquiry.. 21. 2006
- The evolving typology of neuropsychiatric complications of Alzheimer's disease: the use of latent trait analysis.. 16. 2001
- Interventions for depressed elderly primary care patients.. 16. 2001
- The current state of the journal.. 15. 2000
- Evoked potentials in geriatric depression.. 12. 1997
- Vascular depression and the death of Queen Victoria. 2018
- Primary care providers' bereavement care practices: recommendations for research directions. 2014
- Late-life depression in older African Americans: a comprehensive review of epidemiological and clinical data. 2012
- Neuroplasticity-based computerized cognitive remediation for geriatric depression. 2012
- The inflammation hypothesis in geriatric depression. 2011
- Depression and barriers to mental health care in older cancer patients. 2011
- Self-injurious behavior in the nursing home setting. 2011
- Shared decision-making in the primary care treatment of late-life major depression: a needed new intervention? 2010
- A model for intervention research in late-life depression. 2009
- Aging of cerebral white matter: a review of MRI findings. 2009
- Problem solving therapy for the depression-executive dysfunction syndrome of late life. 2008
- Developing an intervention for depressed, chronically medically ill elders: a model from COPD. 2008
- Anterior cingulate dysfunction in geriatric depression. 2008
- Treating depression in disabled, low-income elderly: a conceptual model and recommendations for care. 2010
- Cognition following bilateral deep brain stimulation surgery of the subthalamic nucleus for Parkinson's disease. 2009