National Institute of Allergy & Infectious Diseases
Funding Organization
awards grant
A structured transcriptional switching network that coordinates antigenic variation by malaria parasites
A structured transcriptional switching network that coordinates antigenic variation by malaria parasites
Bacterial translocation to mesenteric adipose tissue drives pathogenic stromal-B cell interactions leading to inflammatory IgG
Biochemical and functional characterization of a novel anti-inflammatory biogenic amine
Characterization of Non-subtype B HIV-1 Reservoirs and its Association with Longitudinal Clinical Outcomes
Cleaved, stabilized HIV-1 Env trimers for structural and vaccine studies
Cleaved, stabilized HIV-1 Env trimers for structural and vaccine studies
Cooption of the DNA Damage Response For Epigenetic Regulation of Inflammation
Defining a novel mechanism of mucosal healing
Defining and then Maximizing the Footprint of CTL Selection on HIV Integration Site Landscapes to Optimize Cure Strategies
Determinants of TB control, relapse and reinfection
Determination of the mode of action of the antibiotic pyrazinamide
Developing Research Leaders in Global Infectious Diseases in Women
Dietary regulation of type 2 immunity and inflammation in the gut
Dietary regulation of type 2 immunity and inflammation in the gut
Early Life Vaccination to Prevent HIV Acquisition During Adolescence
Early life B cell responses and inflammation following SARS-CoV-2 infection
Effects of Glycation and Carbonylation on MHC II-restricted immunity
Endothelial cell transplantation for multi-organ repair to counter radiation injury
Enhancing Susceptibility of HIV Reservoirs to CTL Through a Discovery to Translational Approach
Epigenetic dysregulation of inflammation linked to longitudinal cardiac toxicity in perinatal HIV infection
Escape of maternal plasma broadly neutralizing antibody as a mechanism of mother to child HIV transmission
Genital Immune, Mucosal, and Viral Effects of Female Genital Schistosomiasis in Tanzania
Gut Microbiota and Tacrolimus Trough Variability in Kidney Transplant Recipients
HIV, gestational diabetes and TB in pregnancy
Harnessing nutrition to enhance vaccine responses
Hijacking Plasmodium ubiquitin-proteasome system to defeat drug resistance
Hijacking Plasmodium ubiquitin-proteasome system to defeat drug resistance
Host-directed therapy of tuberculosis: Rescuing macrophages and enhancing their activation
Identifying and modeling immune correlates of protection against congenital CMV transmission after primary maternal infection
Identifying the Molecular Target of Two Novel Compounds Active Against Non-replicating Mycobacterium tuberculosis and Delineating the Role of the Putative Target, InhA, in Non-replicating States
Identifying the Target of a Potent and Selective Inhibitor of Babesia Blood Stages.
Immune Cells and Secretory Pathways Leading to Human Systemic Autoimmunity
Immune Privilege, CNS Autoimmunity, and Clostridium perfringens Epsilon Toxin
Immune regulation of intestinal health and disease
Immunologic and Virologic Determinants of Congenital Cytomegalovirus Transmission and Disease in Rhesus Monkeys
Immunologic strategies to prevent congenital cytomegalovirus transmission and disease in rhesus monkeys
Impact of SARS-CoV-2 infection on respiratory viral immune responses in children with and without asthma
Impact of TB coinfection on HIV reservoir
Improving HCMV vaccine-elicited immunity by targeting viral Fc receptors
Innate immune regulation of lung inflammation through mitochondrial dynamics
Innate immune regulation of neuroinflammation
Insights into the dynamics of clonal expansion of genome-intact proviruses by examining longitudinal evolution of HIV proviral DNA compositions
Interleukin-2 regulation of mucosal inflammation
Interrogating complex mycobacterial population structures using single-cell RNA sequencing
Investigation of gut microbiota metabolite-mediated transkingdom interactions with fungi
M. tuberculosis carbon metabolism during infection
MIST Early Career Scholar Awards in Mucosal Immunology
Mechanisms of CTL Resistance in HIV Reservoirs
Mechanisms of macrophage death co-dependent on M. tuberculosis and IFN-a,b receptor
Microbial Biomarkers for Diagnosing and Predicting Infections in Kidney Transplant Recipients
Microbiota-derived metabolites and the regulation of host immunity and inflammation
Microbiota-derived metabolites and the regulation of host immunity and inflammation (Diversity Supplement)
Mobilizing TAP-Independent CD8 T cells Through Non-Canonical Cross-Presentation
Modulating XIAP for the Treatment of Inflammatory Bowel Disease
Neuro-immune regulation of inter-organ skin-gut inflammation
Neutralization of primary HIV-1 viruses
Neutralizing and non-neutralizing antibody effector functions in HIV infected children
Novel Vita-Vaccine Formula Combines Safety of Dead and Efficacy of Live Vaccines
Novel mechanisms protecting the gut from TNF
Novel mechanisms protecting the gut from TNF
Pathway Analysis in Tuberculosis
REACH: Research Enterprise to Advance a Cure for HIV
Regulation and function of mucosal IgA immune responses to mycobiota in the gut.
Regulation of Sexual Differentiation in Malaria Parasites
Research Training in Infectious Diseases
Respiratory Sphingolipid Synthesis Involved in Airway Hyperreactivity and Viral-Triggered Asthma
Role of Translesional Polymerases in Genome Diversification of the Malaria Parasite
Role of Translesional Polymerases in Genome Diversification of the Malaria Parasite
Schistosomiasis and Women''s Reproductive Health
Screening for Fluoroquinolone-Resistant Viridans Group Streptococci to Individualize Infection Prevention Strategies in Neutropenic Patients
Screening for Resistant Enteric Bacteria to Personalize Infection Prevention Strategies in Neutropenic Patients
Selective Plasmodium proteasome inhibitors as novel multi-stage antimalarials
Sentinel populations and transmission hotspots of isoniazid-resistant tuberculosis
Structural basis of apoptotic scrambling
Studies of lipoamide dehydrogenase tight binding inhibition in tuberculous and non-tuberculous mycobacteria
The Transmission Biology of Mycobacterium Tuberculosis
The effects of immunosuppression on SARS-CoV-2 persistence, virus genetic diversity and clinical outcomes of COVID-19
Tolerogenic and pathologic interactions between ILCs and T cells in autoimmunity
Toll-like receptor control of endocytic antigen cross-presentation
Transmission Aerobiology of M. tuberculosis: Genes and Metabolic Pathways That Sustain Mtb Across an Evolutionary Bottleneck
Transmission Aerobiology of M. tuberculosis: Genes and Metabolic Pathways That Sustain Mtb Across an Evolutionary Bottleneck
Tri-I Stimulating Access to Research in Residency program (Tri-I StARR - NIAID)
Tri-I Training Program in Metabolomics
Tri-Institutional Tuberculosis Research Advancement Center
Turning Mycobacterium tuberculosis appetite for fatty acids against itself
Weill Cornell Medicine - Rutgers New Jersey Medical School Clinical Trials Unit