Overview of evolving strategies incorporating prostate-specific membrane antigen as target for therapy. Review uri icon



  • Prostate-specific membrane antigen (PSMA) is a potential target in prostate cancer patients because it is very highly expressed and because it has been reported to be upregulated by androgen deprivation. This overview addresses the expression of the PSMA gene in terms of the promoter and enhancer and how that may play a role in gene therapy. We also review PSMA as a target for antibodies for imaging and treatment and the development of a novel hybrid T-cell receptor that combines the specificity of anti-PSMA antibodies with that of T-cell receptor activation when introduced into primary lymphocytes by retroviral-mediated gene transfer. We also discuss our recent findings on the expression of a PSMA-like gene and how that understanding allows specific targeting of PSMA.

publication date

  • January 1, 2000



  • Antigens, Neoplasm
  • Carboxypeptidases
  • Prostatic Neoplasms


Scopus Document Identifier

  • 0033756266

PubMed ID

  • 11062377

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