Inability to consistently elicit a motor response following sensory paresthesia during interscalene block administration.
Academic Article
BACKGROUND: Two methods of nerve block based on eliciting neural feedback with the block needle currently exist. The paresthesia technique uses sensory feedback to ascertain that the needle tip is close to the nerve. By contrast, a peripheral nerve stimulator makes use of motor responses to electrical stimulation. The relation of motor responses to an electrical peripheral nerve stimulator and sensory nerve contact (paresthesia) had not been studied. METHODS: Thirty consecutive unpremedicated patients who presented for shoulder surgery with interscalene block anesthesia were prospectively studied. Interscalene block was performed by the single paresthesia method of Winnie, using an insulated or non-insulated needle connected to a peripheral nerve stimulator with the power off. At the precise point of paresthesia, the peripheral nerve stimulator was turned on, and the current was slowly increased to 1.0 mA with a pulse width of 0.2 ms. Presence and location of any motor responses were observed and recorded. RESULTS: All patients had easily elicited paresthesias. The site of first paresthesia was to the shoulder in 73% of patients. Only 30% of patients exhibited any motor response to electrical stimulation up to 1.0 mA. There was no relation between site of paresthesia and associated motor nerve response. CONCLUSION: Elicitation of paresthesia does not translate to an ability to elicit a motor response to a peripheral nerve stimulator in the majority of patients.