BACKGROUND: Autoaugmentation gastrocystoplasty has been previously performed successfully. This set of experiments was conducted to determine the feasibility of performing autoaugmentation gastrocystoplasty laparoscopically. METHODS: Hand-assisted laparoscopic autoaugmentation gastrocystoplasty was performed on 15 mongrel dogs. The surgery was carried out with two 10-mm trocars and a 6-cm Pfannenstiel incision. The gastric wedge, supplied by the right gastroepiploic artery, was resected with two applications of an endoscopic gastrointestinal anastomosis (GIA) stapler. The pedicle was demucosalized, and the anastomosis to the bladder was completed through the Pfannenstiel incision. RESULTS: All of the dogs were successfully treated laparoscopically and were eating at 48 h. There was no evidence of anastomotic leak dehiscence at the gastric resection staple line. CONCLUSION: Hand-assisted laparoscopic autoaugmentation gastrocystoplasty can be performed successfully in dogs. This operation may offer a superior alternative to standard bladder autoaugmentation procedures in children suffering from congenital bladder disorders.