- OBJECT: The optimal treatment for patients with symptoms related to Chiari I malformation remains controversial. Although a suboccipital decompression with duraplasty is most commonly performed, there may be a subset of patients who improve in response to bone decompression alone. In an initial attempt to identify such patients, we performed a continuous study of intraoperative brainstem auditory evoked potentials (BAEPs) in patients undergoing a standard decompression with duraplasty and compared conduction times at three different time points: 1) baseline while the patient is supine (before positioning); 2) immediately after opening of the bone and release of the atlantooccipital membrane (that is, the dural band); and 3) after opening of the dura mater. METHODS: Eleven children and young adults (mean age 9.8 years) with symptoms related to Chiari I malformation underwent suboccipital decompression and duraplasty with intraoperative monitoring of BAEPs and somatosensory evoked potentials (SSEPs). Six patients (55%) had associated syringomyelia. At baseline, the I to V interpeak latency (IPL) for both sides (total 21 BAEPs) was 4.19 +/- 0.22 msec (mean +/- standard deviation). After complete bone decompression and before the dura mater was opened, the I to V IPL decreased to 4.03 +/- 0.25 msec (p = 0.0005). When the dura was opened, however, no further decrease in the I to V IPL was detected (4.03 +/- 0.25 msec; p = 0.6). The SSEPs remained stable throughout the procedure. CONCLUSIONS: In children and young adults undergoing suboccipital decompression with duraplasty for Chiari I malformation, the vast majority of improvement in conduction through the brainstem occurs after bone decompressionand division of the atlantooccipital membrane, rather than after opening of the dura. Additional studies are needed to establish whether the improvement seen with BAEP monitoring during bone decompression will predict long-term clinical improvement in these patients.