A protocol for treatment of unstable ankle fractures using transarticular fixation in patients with diabetes mellitus and loss of protective sensibility.
Academic Article
BACKGROUND: Surgical treatment of ankle fractures in patients with diabetes mellitus is associated with a high complication rate. Diabetic patients with peripheral neuropathy are a particularly difficult group to treat because of their inability to sense deep infection, repeat trauma, and wound complications. The purpose of this study was to evaluate a protocol that included transarticular fixation and prolonged, protected weightbearing in the treatment of unstable ankle fractures in diabetic patients with peripheral neuropathy and loss of protective sensibility. METHODS: The authors retrospectively reviewed the records of 15 patients with diabetes mellitus, unstable ankle fractures (AO classification 44B), and loss of protective sensibility confirmed via testing with a 5.07 Semmes-Weinstein monofilament. Retrograde transcalcaneal-talar-tibial fixation using large Steinmann pins or screws in conjunction with standard techniques of open reduction and internal fixation was used. The postoperative treatment protocol included: 1) short leg, total contact casting and nonweightbearing status for 12 weeks; 2) removal of the intramedullary implants between 12 and 16 weeks; 3) application of a walker boot or short leg cast with partial weightbearing for an additional 12 weeks; and 4) transition to a custom-molded ankle-foot orthosis (AFO) or custom total-contact inserts in appropriate diabetic footwear. RESULTS: The major complication rate for all fractures was 25% (4/16) and for closed fractures was 23% (3/13). These are lower than previously reported rates between 30% (3/10) and 43% (9/21) for diabetic patients with and without neuropathy. The amputation rate for all fractures was 13% (2/16) and for closed fractures alone was 8% (1/13). These are similar to previously reported rates of 10% (2/10) to 20% (2/21). There were no deaths or Charcot malunions in this series. The combination of transarticular fixation and prolonged, protected weightbearing provided 13 of 15 patients with a stable ankle for weightbearing. CONCLUSION: Although these fractures remain a treatment challenge, this study presents a successful, multidisciplinary protocol for treatment of unstable ankle fractures in the most challenging group of diabetic patients - those with loss of protective sensibility.