Proteomics is a multifaceted approach to study various aspects of protein expression, post-translational modification, interactions, organization and function at a global level. While DNA constitutes the 'information archive of the genome', it is the proteins that actually serve as the functional effectors of cellular processes. Thus, analysis of protein derangements on a proteome-wide scale will reveal insights into deregulated pathways and networks involved in the pathogenesis of disease. Although the field of proteomics has advanced tremendously in recent years, there are significant technical challenges that pose limitations to the routine application of mass spectrometry to clinical research. Despite these challenges, proteomic studies have yielded unparalleled information and understanding of the cellular biology of diseased states. The application of mass spectrometry to the study of diseases will ultimately lead to identification of biomarkers that are critical for the detection, diagnosis, prognosis and treatment of specific disease entities.