The onset of the clinical expression of rheumatic heart disease (RHD) is variable. Exercise or other states that necessitate increased cardiac output often precipitate symptoms. Mitral stenosis (MS) is present in 25% of patients with RHD, and 40% of patients have concomitant MS and mitral regurgitation. About two third of patients with MS have concurrent aortic insufficiency. Pulmonary and tricuspid insufficiency may occur from rheumatic involvement of these valves, or secondary to dilatation of valve annuli from pulmonary hypertension secondary to mitral and/or aortic valve disease. Pregnancy is associated with many hemodynamic changes including expanded intravascular volume, tachycardia, increased intracardiac dimensions, and valvular regurgitation. We report a case of a young female who developed flash pulmonary edema during parturition and was found to have abnormal rheumatic involvement of her aortic, mitral, and tricuspid valves. Successful triple valve repair was performed in a single operation. A review of rheumatic valvular abnormalities, and literature supporting multivalvular repair for rheumatic heart disease is provided.