- Acupuncture has been used for treatment of female reproductive disorders dated back at least 2000 years. It has been known to promote homeostasis, modulate hormonal disturbance and induce ovulation. While the increasing popularity of acupuncture therapy demands a serious debate about its scientific documentation. This article is intended to present the experimental data about the effects of electroacupuncture at Guanyuan (RN 4), bilateral Zhongji (RN 3), Sanyinjiao (SP 6) and bilateral Zigong (EXCA 1) in the ovariectomized rats. The EA stimulation produced from a Model G6805-H EA apparatus, and the stimulation parameters were frequency of 3Hz and intensity about 1-2mA, which was progressed in recent years by our group, so as to provide preliminary scientific background of acupuncture therapy of female perimenopausal syndrome.