3D-CT implanted interstitial brachytherapy for T2b nasopharyngeal carcinoma. Academic Article uri icon



  • BACKGROUND: To compare the results of external beam radiotherapy in combination with 3D- computed tomography (CT)-implanted interstitial high dose rate brachytherapy (ERT/3D-HDR-BT) versus conventional external beam radiotherapy (ERT) for the treatment of stage T2b nasopharyngeal carcinoma (NPC). METHODS: Forty NPC patients diagnosed with stage T2b NPC were treated with ERT/3D-HDR-BT under local anesthesia. These patients received a mean dose of 60 Gy, followed by 12-20 Gy administered by 3D-HDR-BT. Another 101 patients diagnosed with non-metastatic T2b NPC received a mean dose of 68 Gy by ERT alone during the same period. RESULTS: Patients treated with ERT/3D-HDR-BT versus ERT alone exhibited an improvement in their 5-y local failure-free survival rate (97.5% vs. 80.2%, P = 0.012) and disease-free survival rate (92.5% vs. 73.3%, P = 0.014). Using multivariate analysis, administration of 3D-HDR-BT was found to be favorable for local control (P = 0.046) and was statistically significant for disease-free survival (P = 0.021). The incidence rate of acute and chronic complications between the two groups was also compared. CONCLUSIONS: It is possible that the treatment modality enhances local control due to improved conformal dose distributions and the escalated radiation dose applied.

publication date

  • November 23, 2010



  • Brachytherapy
  • Carcinoma
  • Nasopharyngeal Neoplasms
  • Radiotherapy Planning, Computer-Assisted
  • Tomography, X-Ray Computed


PubMed Central ID

  • PMC3000841

Scopus Document Identifier

  • 78549247863

Digital Object Identifier (DOI)

  • 10.1186/1748-717X-5-113

PubMed ID

  • 21092297

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