- The purpose of the present study was to assess the results and technical aspects of attempted transcatheter recanalization of occluded pulmonary arteries or major systemic veins from our center. Occluded pulmonary arteries or major systemic veins are often not considered amenable to transcatheter treatment and can be a cause of significant hemodynamic compromise for patients. The records of patients with occluded pulmonary arteries or major systemic veins who underwent cardiac catheterization from April 1997 to February 2011 were reviewed. We identified 18 patients, of whom, 9 had occluded pulmonary arteries and 9 occluded systemic veins. Recanalization was achieved in 17 of the 18 patients (94%). At a median follow-up of 35 months (range 6 months to 12 years), all vessels remained patent. The freedom from reintervention rate in the entire cohort was 61% at 6 months, 35% at 1 year, and 35% at 5 years. Freedom from an unplanned reintervention was 67% at 6 months. Procedural adverse events occurred in 2 patients. One death occurred within 24 hours of the catheterization procedure and 2 late deaths occurred, all unrelated to the procedure. In conclusion, both acute and chronic success at recanalizing the occluded pulmonary arteries and major systemic veins can be achieved using percutaneous techniques. Careful follow-up is needed, because reintervention can be necessary to maintain long-term vessel patency without stenosis.