Recreational-related head injuries in Qatar.
Academic Article
BACKGROUND: The incidence of recreation related-injuries (RRI) among the physically active population is increasing. This study aimed to analyse frequency and characteristics of RRI in Qatar. METHODS: A retrospective chart review was conducted for all patients with head injuries who sustained a RRI and were admitted to the trauma unit between 2008-2011. Patients' demographics, injuries, complications and mortality were analysed. RESULTS: Of 1665 cases of head injury, 107 (6.4%) had RRI. The majority of cases were males with mean age of 27 ± 12, injury severity score of 14 ± 8 and head abbreviated injury score of 3.2 ± 0.9. Mechanisms of injury included All-Terrain Vehicle, Jet-skiing, football and water-boat. Patients sustained RRI mainly had contusion followed by subarachnoid haemorrhage, subdural and epidural haematoma. Upper extremities and the chest were the most frequently associated injuries. Severe head injuries were observed in 18% of patients with Glasgow Coma Score <8. Median length of stay was 4 (1-67) days. The incidence of RRI was highest amongst Asians (66%) and nationals (23%). The overall mortality among patients with RRI was 7%. CONCLUSION: RRI causes significant morbidity and mortality. An urgent need is recommended for legislative amendment and public awareness for safety regulations during recreational activities involving potential risk of trauma.