Updated assessment of neobladder utilization and morbidity according to urinary diversion after radical cystectomy: A contemporary US-population-based cohort. Academic Article uri icon



  • BACKGROUND: In this paper, we examine contemporary utilization rates and determinants of neobladder (NB) after radical cystectomy (RC) relative to ileal conduit (IC), as well as provide an updated assessment of postoperative morbidity and mortality between NB and IC. METHODS: Relying on the Nationwide Inpatient Sample (NIS), we abstracted patients who underwent RC between 2000 and 2010. Subsequently, NB and IC recipients were identified. Use of NB was assessed after accounting for case-mix. Propensity-based matched analyses were used to account for treatment selection biases. Generalized linear regression analyses focused on intra- and postoperative complications, prolonged length of stay, blood transfusions and in-hospital mortality. RESULTS: The utilization rate of NB was 6.9% in 2000 and 9.1% in 2010 (p < 0.001). Younger, healthier, privately-insured and wealthier male individuals were more likely to receive a NB. High-volume hospitals were more likely to offer NB. In the post-propensity matched cohort, urinary diversion type failed to be significantly associated with the examined endpoints, except for intra- and postoperative complications (IC vs. NB odds ratio [OR]: 1.15, p = 0.04). INTERPRETATION: Despite comparable morbidity and mortality odds between NB and IC, as of the most contemporary year of the study (2010), IC remains the preferred urinary diversion type. Several sociodemographic factors were associated with NB.

publication date

  • January 1, 2013


PubMed Central ID

  • PMC3776028

Scopus Document Identifier

  • 84870558592

Digital Object Identifier (DOI)

  • 10.5489/cuaj.221

PubMed ID

  • 24069095

Additional Document Info


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