Atrial natriuretic factor in normal and hypertensive pregnancy.
Academic Article
Atrial natriuretic factor may play a role in the regulation of blood pressure, renal function, and volume homeostasis in normal and pathologic states. Atrial natriuretic factor and plasma renin activity were measured by radioimmunoassay in pregnant women with normal blood pressure (n = 29), chronic hypertension (n = 17), and preeclampsia (n = 18) during the first, second, and third trimesters and in the postpartum period. Serial data were obtained in 11 patients. Nonpregnant age-matched women were used as controls (n = 14). In normal gestation and in chronic hypertension, atrial natriuretic factor levels were in the same range as that in the control group. Mean atrial natriuretic factor was significantly higher in the antepartum and postpartum periods in severe preeclampsia. There was an inverse relationship between atrial natriuretic factor and plasma renin activity in pregnancies complicated by chronic hypertension or preeclampsia. Although fluctuations in atrial natriuretic factor levels did not predict preeclampsia, atrial natriuretic factor did correlate with the severity of the disease.