- PURPOSE: To report a case of retinoblastoma infiltrating the iris and ciliary body detected on magnetic resonance imaging. METHODS: A retrospective case report with clinical evaluation, diagnostic testing, enucleation, and pathologic description. RESULTS: A 2-year-old boy presented with hyphema and was noted to have a fluffy whitish iris mass. Retinoblastoma with anterior chamber extension was suggested on magnetic resonance imaging. T2-weighted images demonstrated a hypointense mass with a superficial layer of focal marked hypointensity, consistent with hemorrhage or calcification. Enucleation was performed, and histopathology confirmed retinoblastoma infiltrating the iris and ciliary body. No further treatment was administered, and the patient remains free of associated disease at age 5 years. CONCLUSION: Retinoblastoma can invade the iris and ciliary body stroma. The use of magnetic resonance imaging in evaluating cases of anterior segment masses can demonstrate findings suggestive of retinoblastoma.